AKA Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Unicamp is a major University in Brazil. Located in the city of Campinas, in the state of São Paulo, it counts with some 12000 undergraduate students and about15000 graduate.
Sister to USP and UNESP state funded universities, it responds to a large amount of all the basic research performed in that country.
Created in 1966, under Dean Zeferino Vaz, it aimed
to be a center of excellence for technology research. It suceeded to the poing that so many IT corporations were
atracted to the region of Campinas city, that the place is refeered as the brazilian counterpart of the Silicon
Valey. Over the years, the University grew to cover other areas of knowledge such as humanities and arts.
The undergraduate and graduate courses are free of charge to anyone passing through the sellection.
It's internet address is http://www.unicamp.br