A favorite childcraft...

Vikings were said to give their heroes a dispatch through fire and water. The fellow being honored was put in a little boat, with all his arms and armor, and perhaps his treasure, and maybe even his favorite dog, and set adrift with a small fire that would consume its contents.

Coming from a Boat Family in Connecticut, and being a lonely kid, I made these by the dozen while the Adults drank Gin & Tonics, and set them adrift at sunset down the Branford River. Perhaps it was Astro Boy, which showed me the River of Lights at Hiroshima, or perhaps it was that I was gifted with the D’Aulaires Norse Gods and Giants. Still, they’re a nice childcraft. And a fun thing to do.

The boat can be as simple as a little oblong with a bow, or  as elaborate as you want. You must have a light in it, and a Viking Lord, which is a little paper doll, again as simple or detailed as you like. Make sure you have a paper armor and arms. His dog might be curled up by his feet, faithful unto death.For special occasions, you might put a real treasure inside...a penny! The light is a candle stub, or a tea light without the metal retainer.

Take your little boat down to a river, and let them drift...the boat will ignite, and drift for quite some time before sinking...

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