Judicious, as defined by Elbert Hubbard in The Roycroft Dictionary of 1914:

  1. A state of mind wherein things are weighed in an imponderable scale; a conjunction of two negatives in a void.

  2. To be wanting in foolishness, character or brains.

  3. An exquisite and delicate perception of the difference between two things that are exactly alike, or the total unlikeness between two things that are absolutely different.

  4. An umbrella to be carried on clear days as well as on rainy ones, thus protecting the possessor from everything.

  5. To lie flat on your puss while the juggernaut of Opinion goes over you; to stand perfectly still between two streetcars going in opposite directions.

  6. To see what's coming and avoid it by taking all sides.

iron noder

Ju*di"cious (?), a. [F. judicieux, fr. L. judicium judgment. See Judicial.]

Of or relating to a court; judicial.


His last offenses to us Shall have judicious hearing. Shak.


Directed or governed by sound judgment; having sound judgment; wise; prudent; sagacious; discreet.

He is noble, wise, judicious, and best knows The fits o' the season. Shak.

Syn. -- Prudent; discreet; rational; wise; skillful; discerning; sagacious; well-advised.


© Webster 1913.

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