Short story by Arthur C. Clarke in which a group of monks buys a computer to calculate all the names of God.

There's even a distributed computing webpage which proposes this project: "In the same vein as the RC5 and DESII challenges, we will attempt to harness the idle computing power of the world to find the 9 billion names of God and bring about the destruction of the universe through the completion of man's ultimate destiny."

"Look," whispered Chuck, and George lifted his eyes to 
heaven. (There is always a last time for everything.) 
Overhead, without any fuss, the stars were going out. 

The two guys mentioned above set up a computer for Tibetan monks, which is able to pronounce the Tibetan sounds in the permutations that make up the nine billion names of God. Since this is supposed to be man's ultimate destiny, the world would end at that point. The last few passages of the story are above.

One of the major themes of the story is the idea of a divine plan. The world really is ending after the utterances of the nine billionth name. It also implies that the pursuit of technology is self-defeatist, and that mankind has no choice but to fulfill the divine plan.

So you see, it does say a bit more than something about the existence of God.

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