Poppy mallows are
plants that are also commonly known as winecups. The plants are all in genus
Callirhoe, which is in the
cotton family (Malvaceae). The
genus contains 10 or 12
species that are found across the southern and central U.S. Most types prefer to grow in full
sun in
soil. Their cup-shaped flowers, which are about 1/2 in. long and 3/4 in. wide, open each morning 2-3 hours after
sunrise and close at
sundown. They shut forever once they're pollinated. If they don't get
pollinated, an individual flower blooms for about a week.
A few members of this species:
Callirhoe papaver is the best-known member of this little-known genus. Its purple blooms appear from from April through July in states west of Alabama. This flower prefers pine woods and undisturbed roadsides.
Callirhoe involucrata is a perennial and is the most widespread species in Texas. It grows wild along roadsides, in fields, and it is planted as an ornamental. It comes in two varieties, purple and white, and blooms from late February through July.
Callirhoe leiocarpa is an annual and is found along roadsides, railroad right-of-ways, and in fields. Its petals are purple with a white center.
Callirhoe scabriuscula (commonly known as the Texas poppy mallow) is an endangered species. The major reason for its population decline is due to roadside mowing and the fact that its seeds will only germinate under a narrow range of conditions. This poppy mallow has red to purple flowers.
The above info is based partly on my undergraduate research on the germination requirements of three species of poppy mallow. The rest is based on sources around the web: