Near Matches
Ignore Exact
these relics rise like steam and each disseminate encircling like a halo'd trajectory, a common crowd, assembling
The Contents Of Lincoln's Pockets
I am saving your nodes because I'll miss you so much
I went out to the forest and caught 100,000 fireflies
November 5, 2014
like fireflies in the dark
Spinning shapes like a song out of order. In the dark she can see fireflies.
the things he left behind
How Few Remain
They don't realize they're talking about death but I can hear it behind their voices
There are only these moments strong and fiery. The rest is love and your imminent departure.
Towers of Light
Things left behind
There are many things that I would like to say to you but I don't know how
Your angel stayed long after everything else was gone
Grave of the Fireflies
Things that give our life meaning
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