Big thanks go out to Apatrix and Oolong and Dann, who helped with the early entry of the dictionary contents.
The materials noded under this username are adaptations of materials from BioTech Educational Resources at IU; the vast majority will be from the BioTech Life Sciences Dictionary, which was edited by Lucy A. Snyder and mostly written by Lucy, Mimi Tseng and Rob Elliot with additions from Jeanne Vogelzang, Janelle Baran, Brent Shelley, and Stephen Vigo.
About the Copyright ....
The copyright originally belonged to Indiana University but was, in 1998, transferred to the University of Texas when the professor in charge of the BioTech project changed schools of employment.
BioTech materials are used here on E2 with permission from Dr. Andrew Ellington, BioTech's faculty administrator at the University of Texas.
If you're on the content rescue team, you are encouraged to go forth, read these nodes, and improve on them forthwith. Roninspoon indicates these nodes will stay up for archival purposes once they're superseded.