Besides, I took something for my graphomania, and I'm feeling much better.
Gideon Defoe - The Pirates! In an adventures with SCIENTISTS (a novel)
Jon Stewart - America: The Book
Art Spiegelman - MAUS
Jeff Smith - BONE
The Time Traveller's Wife
The Dogs of Babel
(Jane Lane x Devi) / Scarlett O'Hara - Lex + GIR
Things you can know about me:
I have problems telling my left from my right
I prefer vodka to beer any day
I believe that true love will be as cool as being able to "form blazing sword"
Bad habit of shaking my fist (a la "obey the fist!") when making mundane exclamatory sentences. Ex: Let's go to lunch!
according to some I'm the kind of person who would laugh at you if your hair was on fire (later I married him - we lit our hair on fire and laughed and laughed)
my hair is brown, pink, blonde, red velvet cake colored
I have been tempted to drive my car into the ocean a few times, but only if the U.K. surf is remixed
I might have been THERE, you never know.
I will use a noun as a verb, if I art away with it
I got to pet a tiger
i am a spoon.
I am deliciously saucy.
Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway (Again)
or here i am?
email =
Bake at 475 degrees F