Pathogen and freezing experiments were the kindest experiments practiced by Unit 731. Its Nazi counterpart was almost humane compared to it. The Nazis engaged in mainly high altitude/low pressure testing, freezing, and some biowar tests. The Japanese Unit 731 committed far worse atrocities, not excluding the areas that the Nazis researched in, but they also dissected and vivisected patients while they were still alive, without anesthetic for "research" purposes. They performed this not only on Chinese peasants but also American and Russian POW's.

These experiments were very well-documented, and yet the Americans exchanged the information for the freedom of the doctors, who practiced their grisly "art" with pleasure. They infected prisoners with various diseases then proceeded to carve them open while still alive to see the results. There are even photographs of them doing this. Over 3000 people were killed by Unit 731 alone in medical experiments.

In addition to this, Unit 731 also performed field tests of both biological and conventional weapons. They tested their weapons on live prisoners after letting them loose in a field. They also used planes to drop plague and other diseases all over China, in areas that have already been conquered by the Japanese. Historians estimate that around 200,000 Chinese died in these experiments.

And that's not all. Rookie doctors practiced surgery on live patients, then killed them afterwards. A favorite of these "doctors" was raping Chinese girls then dissecting them alive later to see the development of the fetus. They even photographed themselves doing this and kept it in their wallets. Unit 731 attempted a final scheme, codenamed "Cherry Blossoms at Night", in 1945 to launch plague at California. The plan was abandoned when Japan surrendered. They then used dynamite to blow up all the evidence.

Here is the explanation given by an anonymous farmer in Japan who participated in Unit 731: "Vivisection should be done under normal circumstances. If we'd used anesthesia, that might have affected the body organs and blood vessels that we were examining. So we couldn't have used anesthetic."

Oh yeah, they experimented on children too, but the doctors claimed that "their fathers were probably spies". Just thinking about the fact that the Americans let these butchers go unpunished makes me sick.