I’m afraid our friend
xdjio has complicated matters unnecessarily. If what you need in order to accelerate time is a weaker gravitational field, you don't need labfulls of equipment - all you need to do is
lose weight! Try it! If you lose ten pounds, your popularity with the other/same sex will skyrocket, and this will get you laid more often. As we all know,
sex is fun, and time flies
* when you’re having fun! Lose ten more pounds, and you can get to the prestigious state of a
super-model, getting as much
money and
psychiatric treatment as you want. That sounds like fun! Lose ten more pounds and time will be flying so fast through emergency rooms and eating-disorder wards, you’ll be dead in no time at all.
OK – perhaps it’s time to slow things down and go get myself a
* Actually, time flies very close to the speed of light, causing all kinds of temporal disorders. However, the whole thing renormalizes eventually. We hope.