A lot going on, and this is just a small note about my usage of e2.

I write a lot on here. Often very spontaneously. For this reason, I receive lots of feedback, which I try to act on. Much of this feedback is about typoos, and often I get a lot of corrections for the same mistake. Some of the messages are comments about the content of my write-ups. Often I want to engage in conversation about those things, but they often get buried under many other messages.

Right now, I have less than 200 messages in my inbox. The oldest typo correction is from June of 2015, for my write-up on Steven Universe. I probably fixed that typo, actually. I will probably go back and look. And then, sometime in 2016, someone asked me about The Lifecycle of Software Objects, and how I would define sentience. I never got back to them on that one. And all of these things are jumbled up over years. The chances are, if I don't get to something in the first 48 hours, it will wait for a while.

E2 lacks a response/threading/comment mechanic, by design. This is not a message board or forum, we decided back in the early 2000s, and that continues to be the case. I think this is good in general, but sometimes I wonder if it would be positive to have a better way to discuss things rather than the jumbled inbox.

But, in any case, I apologize if I can't get back to people about their corrections/suggestions for my write-ups. I do read them all, I promise!