user since
Sat Jul 8 2000 at 05:33:58 (24.3 years ago )
last seen
Mon Nov 7 2011 at 00:48:46 (13 years ago )
number of write-ups
82 - View N3Bruce's writeups (feed)
level / experience
4 (Wordsmith) / 1478
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
To disseminate my broad eclectic knowledge
Baltimore and Vicinity, how things work
OPEX Corporation
most recent writeup
September 19, 2005
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CQ CQ CQ Noders, writers, and readers worldwide from N3Bruce.

In ham radio circles I am known as N3LSY, which is my Amateur Radio Callsign. I got into Ham Radio back in 1992 as an antidote to the boredom and stress of my unemployment at the time, learning morse code and getting an Advanced Class license. I am now gainfully employed as an electronics technician working on equipment that would make Rube Goldberg proud. This gives me the money, though not necessarily the time to pursue some of my hobbies, such as winemaking, motorcycling, and of course writing on E2. Although I have had the same job for thirteen years, my hobbies seem to go in phases, though sometimes I revisit old hobbies I have neglected. This is probably due to my Attention Deficit Disorder, I just reach a point I want to try something new. I haven't restored an antique radio in years, but I still have a modest collection I enjoy looking at, and occasionally turn on and play. The same can be said about my writing on E2 lately, I don't crank out the nodes like I did a while back, but I enjoy going back and rereading them, and putting a little spit and polish on their smudges and rough edges.

Here are a few of my personal nodes:
The Bridge to Hawaii
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
A Brief guide to Antique and Collectible Radios
Boring, Maryland
Attention Deficit Disorder