First dream:

I believed a nuke had been detonated in the city, but I couldn't be sure. I thought it may have been a dirty bomb, or even just a fire bomb. I was taking care of a small warhead myself, shaped like a plumb, that sat in the back of my truck. I had also picked up supplies, knowing the apocalypse would come soon. I met with people that confirmed my suspicions. We went on surviving in a huge white compound. I think I remember having a greenhouse. I don't know what we did to purify the air, but I thought we had something for the water. I suggested we get a Geiger counter at some point, but I'm not sure if we did.

Other details I remember are that most of the dream was a very bright, sterile white, and at times the huge compound shrunk into my house. I was generally okay with surviving in the post-apocalypse, as I had expected it to come for some time. I was better at things than I thought I'd be. Having this dream made me consider 2012 a little more seriously. I think I want to buy a Geiger counter.

Segue dream:

In a children's library or bookstore where Nixon was reading to kids. He was kind of chubby, and a bit past middle-age. He was an alright guy. I'm not sure I was pleased with him, though. Apocalypse and all. This may have been where I read a book, or that may have been prior to the first dream recorded. I definitely read something. I might have recalled that reading in dreams was difficult, and tried to continue reading, but I don't know how that worked out.

Cat dream:

Went to Melissa's house on Valentine's Day. My mom helped me tie a rose around her tree. I said everyone should do this today, just like everyone on Halloween should show up with a severed hand. I saw the crow cat, shittily pictured above. (Note: there was a drawing in my notebook, but obviously not here. Sorry.) A black cat that was so clearly someone's familiar had a second head above its own, that resembled a crow's head but was a little pointier, like a pterodactyl's. I think it also got the wings of the crow. It stood on its hind legs, claws extended and a look of malice on its face. It had been observing me from the bottom of the hill.
Someone called from the house, pissed off that I was there. "He's milking the apples," she called. I ran over to hide behind another tree, but I eventually had to leave my cover and approach them.
I was told that Melissa's dad thought I was rude. My reaction was indignant. I wanted to "show that motherfucker what rude was." Inside the house, he was fixing a terrarium. He needed a particular wrench he liked. It was rather flimsy, as it was made of plastic mesh crocheted with a football team logo. I think it was the Steelers, but it might've been the Ravens. He successfully loosened the giant plastic bolt. I greeted a white cat on the hardwood floor in front of me. I held out my hands in the "gimme some skin" position, but the cat tried to climb me. So I just raised one hand to wave. Or maybe I wanted a high five. He raised a paw and said, "Hi!" I did not think this was strange. Instead I thought about my crappy cat-dog, and why he couldn't at least be useful like these cats.