Ah, hiya. My name's Thhartokk. It's a word I made up, I have no set meaning for it yet. I needed a Viking-sounding name for a game one time, and settled on this. The rest, as they say, is history.
I am the only Thhartokk there is. There are no other Thhartokks, nor is there a Thhartokkina or Thhartokket. In other words? I'm me, and I'm single. So, yeah.
I'm a student, a writer, and an artist. I like to read and write, and enjoy exercising, meditating, and doing work with my body or wits. I love reading proverbs and will often quote one before embarking on any major work... it makes a lot of people think I'm very spiritual, almost monk-like at times. It's... kinda right.
Anyways, here I am. Enter freely and of your own accord, make yourself at home, and get ready for a (hopefully) wild ride.