user since
Fri Aug 17 2007 at 13:49:04 (17.2 years ago )
last seen
Sat Aug 18 2007 at 01:31:21 (17.2 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 4
most recent writeup
Van Tram Society (thing)
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Co-founder of the "Van Tram Society for the Pursuit of Happiness in World Politics" (together with founder Vanyada).

© 2000-2007 Van Tram Society for all writeups by Tramontana and Vanyada.
"More die of heartbreak (than from radiation)" -- Saul Bellow
"Le monde appartient aux femmes, c.à.d. à la mort, là-dessus tout le monde ment" -- Philippe Sollers