Also, "Ecole Freudienne de Paris."

An academic group founded in 1964 by Jacques Lacan in opposition to the character of post-Freudian thought exhibited within the Society of French Psychoanalysis.

The school was disbanded in 1980 by Lacan, who considered its internal lines of thought to be straying too far from his own interpretations of Freudian psychoanalysis.

Lacan went on to form the "Ecole de la Cause Freudienne" (the School of the Freudian Cause) in January 1981. The following quote is from the public relations literature of that school:

In "an effort to restore the original power and revolutionary effect of psychoanalysis, as discovered by Freud, the "Ecole de la Cause freudienne" continues to orient those individuals who wish to pursue the psychoanalytic path of Freud as developed even further by the equally revolutionary teachings of Lacan."

Ecole de la Cause freudienne (
"On Our Reference to Freud and Lacan," Jean Florence, The Belgian School of Psychoanalysis, June 1992