I Own My Own Words
all nodes authored by eponymous are copyright 2000-2009 redacted. Any material I have written at E2 may be quoted anywhere by anyone as long as it is visibly accredited to either eponymous.arcanamundi busily prepares a faerie dinner party for eponymous, with tiny brioches and delicate soups and julienned vegetable salads tossed with citrus oil and of course we musn't forget the pudding...
<button onClick="L=document.getElementsByTagName('A');for(i=0;i<L.length;i++){T=L(i);if ((E=T.title)&&(H=T.innerHTML)!=E)T.innerHTML='( '+E+' | '+H+' )'}">Pipe links</button>
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Wnat to see e2 the way I see it? This is my theme, and has been, essentially unchanged, since EKW was born. Post it in your ekw scheme cannery
Epo's EKW Ewwww
ekw_alinkcolor="#ff0000"; ekw_bgcolor="#00ff00"; ekw_headingfont="Engravers Gothic BT"; ekw_linkcolor="#ff00ff"; ekw_logoaccenttext="#ffffff"; ekw_logobackground="#ff00ff"; ekw_logoborder="#c0ffee"; ekw_logofont="MS Comic Sans Serif"; ekw_logofontsize="17pt"; ekw_logomaintext="#0022ee"; ekw_oddrowcolor="#ffff00"; ekw_textcolor="#000000"; ekw_textfont="MS Comic Sans Serif"; ekw_textfontsize="12px"; ekw_vlinkcolor="#666633";Don't say I didn't warn you!
If you downvote one of my nodes, I'd appreciate a message. That way, if there's something wrong with it (bad info, whatever) perhaps I can fix it. (Or, in the case of highly personal or opinion nodes, I can clarify my point of view.)Thanks, Eponymous
The metaphor of site-as-city is one I've run across before. It's a pretty good analogy, and applicable, although I think of E2 as more of a huge open air market where info's the commodity and personal reputation is the currency.
Earn Your Bullshit: "No more writeups are being accepted for this node. E2 has changed since this node was created. The philosophy behind its original content was eventually obsoleted and the writeups deleted. References to it will eventually be eliminated from the FAQs and other documents. Bottom line is, node well. "