Born in 1981 in Colorado, raised for sixteen years in western Washington state and two years in El Paso, Texas; BA and MA in linguistics at Brigham Young University, spent two years as a missionary in Ukraine, taught English for a year in Taiwan, now (2014) pursuing a doctorate at Ohio State.
- user since
- Tue Nov 14 2006 at 10:54:43 (18.4 years ago )
- last seen
- Sat Jun 15 2024 at 22:23:09 (9.5 months ago )
- number of write-ups
- 5 - View eritain's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 1 (Novice) / 369
- specialties
- poetry and poetics, linguistics, esl, ukraine, Mormonism
- motto
- Thy Kingdom Come. (Should also include 'Thy Will Be Done', but I'm not so mature yet.)
- most recent writeup
- Riggers' bend
- Send private message to eritain
User Bookmarks:
- "Craft Dinner": a new approach to macaroni and cheese for ailie (idea)
- 10 commandments for intellectual independence (idea)
- 1000 Hours Deluxe American Superwar Gold! (idea)
- 2 Simple Salsas (idea)
- 202-244-3121
- A Christian's sideways praise of Nietzsche
- A really good sandwich that ideath could make to take to work with her
- A short tale of pilots and helicopters (idea)
- A story about Mia and the sea (fiction)
- Adam Lay Ybounden (idea)
- Advice for dealing with children
- Almond frangipane and poached pear tart (thing)
- Almond Wafers (thing)
- alphabetical order (idea)
- An easy way to make not-so-good food much better
- An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese (thing)
- Apple-Sweet Potato Bake
- Apricot sweet potato with couscous
- Asian pear salsa
- backpacking
- Baked blackstrap shellac tofu
- Baked blackstrap shellac tofu (thing)
- Baked kale chips (recipe)
- Balsamic braised eggplant with chevre on bruschetta (thing)
- Basics of personal mythology (idea)
- Basil and lime sorbet (thing)
- Beef noodle soup (thing)
- Black mussels with spiced tomato, coriander and couscous (thing)
- Blackened sun-dried tomato and Brie pizza with mayonnaise-mustard dipping sauce (idea)
- borscht (thing)
- Braised red cabbage with coriander seeds (thing)
- Bread Sauce
- Bright citrus stir fry (thing)
- Broiled open faced veggie sandwich (thing)
- Brussels sprouts (recipe)
- Brussels sprouts (recipe)
- Buddhist vegetarians (idea)
- Cafe de Paris butter (thing)
- call/cc yin-yang puzzle (thing)
- candied orange peel (person)
- Candied peach ice cream (thing)
- Canon, Cannon, Cannula, Cane
- Carrot and Ginger Soup (thing)
- Cauliflower soup (recipe)
- Changes in Southern British pronunciation (idea)
- Chicken with Tomatillo Sauce (recipe)
- Children's games
- Chilled cucumber and mint soup (thing)
- Chocolate self-saucing pudding (thing)
- City Magic
- class (thing)
- Columbus, Ohio (place)
- Coyote (person)
- Cranberry Ice (recipe)
- cranberry persimmon salsa
- cranberry sauce
- Creole / Cajun Cuisine (thing)
- Crumbly cauliflower couscous
- csh history idioms
- Cumin and orange glazed carrots
- Cure for depression (thing)
- Curried Lychee and Bacon (thing)
- cutting edge Christianity
- David decides to fall
- dd (idea)
- Designing aliens (idea)
- Disappointed by Capitalism (idea)
- Do-It-Yourself Depression Control (idea)
- DOOM as a system administration tool
- dope fiend move
- Double crust death by lemon pie
- Double crust death by lemon pie (thing)
- Dr. Qous' Surprisingly Tasty Spicy Peanut Butter Dip
- Drink from the cup as if it's already broken
- E2 piecemaker proxy
- E2 verse and poetry writers' group
- Electrical outlet
- emotional abuse (essay)
- Encyclopedia Blipvertica (thing)
- Enron and the Cult of Personality (thing)
- Eton Mess ice cream (recipe)
- European integration (idea)
- Everything Hymnal (idea)
- Exotic Scales
- Fine Structure (fiction)
- Fire-roasted tomato soup (recipe)
- Five modes of minor pentatonic for guitar
- Foul-weather friend
- Fourteen Precepts for Engaged Buddhism (idea)
- Fresh chickpea, parmesan and leek soup
- Fruity stir fry (thing)
- Giant Ginger Cookies (thing)
- ginger tea (thing)
- God made the integers, all else is the work of man
- Granita de Limone (Sicilian Lemon Ice) (thing)
- Greek Recipes (idea)
- Green Calamari Rings (thing)
- Green onion and ginger sauce (thing)
- Green Salad with Goat Cheese, Walnuts and Hot Onions (thing)
- Grilled Cheese Savories (essay)
- Grilled chicken and Vegetables with Mojo Sauce
- group theory (idea)
- Guinness Barbecue sauce (recipe)
- Hacker's Delight Ginger Honey (thing)
- halloumi (recipe)
- Halloween Attack (thing)
- Hamburger maqlubi (idea)
- Happy Birthday From Planet Motherfucker
- Have I just accidentally reinvented beef Stroganoff?
- Heisenberg's Feta, Chicken and Spinach Pockets (thing)
- Homemade vegan chicken patties (thing)
- Hot and smoky five pepper chili
- hot and sour cucumber salad (thing)
- Hot Artichoke Dip (thing)
- Hot Damn glass cleaner (thing)
- How I made the Year Nodes (idea)
- How to carve a dodecahedron out of a cube
- How to defend yourself against a coconut
- How to design a psychological test (idea)
- How to give a hand massage
- How to make a knife
- I fell asleep to the lullaby of rat-a-tat-tat
- I love naked (idea)
- If an Agent Knocks - Federal Investigators and Your Rights
- Iraqi sweet-sour fish (recipe)
- Irish soda bread (thing)
- Israeli salad (recipe)
- Japanese Cucumber Salad (thing)
- jícama, red onion and orange salad (recipe)
- Joe and the Five Questions (idea)
- jugging (thing)
- June Peasant's Stew (recipe)
- Kefir-Marinated Steak
- Kick The Can (thing)
- Kumquat (thing)
- laksa (thing)
- Lavender braised chicken (recipe)
- Learning a language (idea)
- Learning a language (idea)
- Lemon and basil chicken escalopes (recipe)
- Lemon confit (thing)
- Lemon risotto with salmon (recipe)
- Lemon Sorbet (thing)
- Lentil and Salmon Stuffed Peppers
- Lentil kofte (thing)
- Lime and Ginger Salmon Steak
- Lime and Ginger Salmon Steak (thing)
- Lime Chicken
- Lime Chicken (thing)
- Linguine with Sweet and Sour Fish (recipe)
- Little bubble worlds (idea)
- Living and dealing with depression (idea)
- Lord seitan with pasta and mushrooms (idea)
- Lovecraftesque (review)
- Lowering the Bar: Internet Discourse in the Age of Facebook (essay)
- Mandarin: adjectives and particles
- Mangoes in kaffir lime syrup (thing)
- Manufacturing Consent
- Marriage (thing)
- May I show you off to the firmament?
- Miracula Miribilia Mega-Garlic Soup
- Miso Sauce (idea)
- Modern Defense (thing)
- mole de olla (thing)
- Moroccan carrot salad (recipe)
- Moroccan carrot salad (thing)
- Mum mum's Ginger Cookies (thing)
- nam prik phao (thing)
- Nasrudin Stories (idea)
- Nibbled to death by ducks
- nitric oxide neurotransmission (thing)
- Nuclear Power (idea)
- O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (thing)
- OBD-II (idea)
- On being sane in insane places
- orange syrup (thing)
- Pandeism Fish's roasted fruit recipe (recipe)
- Parsley, Lemon and Feta Cheese Salad (thing)
- Pashtunwal (essay)
- pavlova
- pavlova (thing)
- Peaches and Cream (recipe)
- Pear and ginger cake (idea)
- Pearl Onions with Peas (recipe)
- pentatonic scale
- penultimate frisbee (thing)
- Pepper steak fajitas or something
- Perl proggy for making guitar neck diagrams of scales
- Pho
- Pho (thing)
- Pickle Recipes
- Pickled kumquats (thing)
- Playing chess with dice (thing)
- Poison Arm Samurai
- Pomelo (thing)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (log)
- Potato and dill terrine (thing)
- Potemkémon
- Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him (thing)
- Praxis, stuffed cabbage and a nutty sauce
- Preparing a Middle-Eastern meal at home
- Proto-Indo-European (thing)
- Ra (fiction)
- Raincomplex's State Transition Graph (thing)
- Ramen with slivered peppers, bamboo soup, amaranth salad (idea)
- Reading the Holy Bible
- Record of a Spaceborn Few (review)
- regular expression game (idea)
- released for climb
- Rhubarb and vanilla tart (thing)
- Rice, chickpeas, tomatoes, soy - oh mi! (thing)
- Roast Potatoes
- Roasted beetroot dip (thing)
- Roasted witlof and goat's cheese tart with beetroot essence (thing)
- Rochdale Cooperative Principles (idea)
- Roman marriage
- Rosewater panna cotta with lemon confit and pistachio honeycomb (thing)
- Roving band of philosopher-plumbers (idea)
- Saffron milk caps with green beans and garlic (thing)
- Salisbury steak (recipe)
- Salmon-Caraway Sandwiches (recipe)
- Sauce au Chien (Caribbean "Dog Sauce")
- Sauerkraut (recipe)
- Sauerkraut (thing)
- Save a bad trip (idea)
- Selection and care of kitchen knives
- Serrano and spinach tiropetes
- sesame cabbage salad (thing)
- Shakespeare goes Pop! (idea)
- Sicilian Defense
- Sickness-induced hallucination
- Sima (thing)
- Simple methods for conversing with those suffering from death
- Sleeps with Coyotes (idea)
- Slow-braised chorizo with tomato, chickpeas and lemon (thing)
- Smokey the Bear Sutra (thing)
- Some of my best friends are (idea)
- Soup, of the green variety (recipe)
- Soup, of the green variety (recipe)
- Space Alert
- spanakopita (thing)
- Spice cake with pear butter filling (recipe)
- spiced ground pork wrapped in cabbage
- Spiced pear salad with goat's milk feta and coppa
- Spiced pear salad with goat's milk feta and coppa (thing)
- Spicy "Thai" Mushroom and Fried Tofu Chow Mein With Vegetables (thing)
- Spicy fried potato with garlicky mushroom spinach (recipe)
- Spicy Green Chutney
- Spinach Tofu Pie (thing)
- Steamed coconut mussels with kaffir lime (thing)
- Sticky toffee pudding (thing)
- Stuff White People Like: A Kierkegaardian View (essay)
- Stuffed salmon baked in salt dough (thing)
- sundown
- Swahili Slang (idea)
- sweet potato fries (recipe)
- Sweet potato, spinach and goat's cheese risotto (recipe)
- syntonic comma
- Szechwan pickled cucumbers (thing)
- Tagine of chickpeas and tofu (thing)
- Tamarind and star anise chicken
- Tarte Tatin (thing)
- Teaching your child to ride a bike (idea)
- Tell me a story about trains
- Tell the truth. Begin by beginning. Say good things to yourself. (idea)
- Ten Point Plan to Save America
- Tetanus on Drugs
- Thai pepper garlic chicken
- The Atheist Delusion
- The best lunch you can make in 5 minutes
- The Culture
- The Dying Earth (place)
- The Edible Wild
- The Faceted Television Episode Guide-O-Matic Classification Scheme (idea)
- The life and times of a fallen angel
- The Lime Oatmeal Illusion (recipe)
- The Power of the Powerless (idea)
- The relative discomfort of selected radiological examinations (idea)
- The set of decimal representations of numbers divisible by 17 is regular (idea)
- The Teach Yourself to be a Dummy in 24 Hours Bible
- The three golden rules of user interface design (idea)
- The time they fantasize about was built on a lie (essay)
- Thinking only makes life complicated (idea)
- Third Hand Bicycle Co-op (place)
- This place needs more actual content. Let's begin.
- Thleu Tsoi Gai: Vegetarian "Chicken" (idea)
- Till Eulenspiegel
- To a Fat Lady Seen from the Train
- Tofu with peanut sauce (thing)
- Tomato kasundi
- Tomato kasundi (thing)
- Tools everyone should have (idea)
- Totally feathered up and living on the dub side (idea)
- Tuna salad (thing)
- Tuna salad (thing)
- Turner set combinators (idea)
- Twelve Powers Meditation (idea)
- Two stories of the pistol (idea)
- Typeclassopedia (thing)
- Tyrokavteri (roasted red pepper and feta dip)
- Tyrokavteri (roasted red pepper and feta dip) (idea)
- Umberto Eco and the Bunnymen
- Uncommon wedding vows
- Vampire Tag (thing)
- Vegan ingredients (thing)
- Vegetarian meals that aren't just brown gack (idea)
- Water Garden (how-to)
- water pour down on us. trusting me, eyes shut. (person)
- We will unmake the world with a whisper, with a scream (fiction)
- Weak and desperate from decades of commuting the djinn would barter all for coffee and a friendly ear (fiction)
- Welcome Home bread
- What I Didn't Learn in Church Last Sunday (and wish I had) (idea)
- What is this thing called jazz
- What would Jesus buy? (recipe)
- When Society Becomes an Addict (thing)
- White and wild rice with adzuki beans, daikon and kombu soup, greens with mushrooms and pine nuts
- Why some guys don't pick up on hints from women
- Writing with ADHD (how-to)
- X'melborp the Andarian Lab Technician and Human Greg
- You love these machines. These machines are dead: a love story.
- Zebrafish on cocaine
- Zen and the Art of Hacking (idea)
- Zucchini and yellow squash with cilantro, garlic, and lemon (recipe)