user since
Mon Jul 20 1998 at 13:44:38 (26.3 years ago )
last seen
Mon Feb 7 2000 at 23:26:49 (24.7 years ago )
number of write-ups
4 - View hystrix's writeups (feed)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 10
Linux SysAdmin
Azusa Pacific University
Live Free or Die
most recent writeup
Essential System Administration
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HysTriX is a linux freak who lives in a geek house with Thule and Mother; a group otherwise known as zImage. He is currently is the Sr. Systems Administrator for Azusa Pacific University's academic services where he keeps about 30 servers going, including AIX, Solaris, and Linux platforms and you can usually find him cursing at some NT boxes too. Beyond leading his platoon in the Linux Revolution, HysTriX can be found doing everything else that has Geek value, including Ham radio (KF6RYY), hosting UGA GameFest's, building networks, irc, collecting/building random hardware and figuring out rediculous and interesting things to do with it. He could not keep sane doing all of the above without the use of his Palm Pilot and keeping in constant communication with his friends that are much smarter than him.
Greetz to nomadik shiftre oogu owtla ulic techguy kasper mprov peec kat justice ant rampage enigma
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