I am now officially a writer, as I have a regular column in the Charleston (SC) City-Paper.
Blog number one is not a fuck you blog, I'll save that thought for later on....
mat catastrophe! now on social media!
I am thinking of publishing my "lost rants" from e2 in e-book form sometime in the near future. If you are interested, let me know and I will be sure to tell you when it is available.
If you aren't interested, then why are you really poking around this homenode anyway?
Glowing praise for mat in the catbox!
13:09 <IWhoSawTheFace> I don't know why you'd hate on Groupon. Are you trying to "help" businesses, like the government tries to help them? Some kind of social theory behind this?
13:10 <mat catastrophe> IWho: How long have you known me? What is my essential job function in the universe?
13:10 <IWhoSawTheFace> An annoying gadfly and contrarian. Well, you've annoyed me.
April 3 - around 2330 - <IWhoSawTheFace> He's being his usual inscrutable annoying self. Best to ignore.