The very good friend girl is upping the stakes. Last Tuesday we went out on what may or may not have been a date, where we ended up snuggled under my coat, on a sofa, in a pub, in the wee small hours. Now, I learn we're going out again (second date? Regular drinking night?) this coming Monday, which has me wondering whether or not there is "something there", as the saying goes.

I am, to a certain extent, socially inept. I am naive, hesitant, cowardly, generally not brilliant. I more than get by with friends - at times I'm considered the life of the party - but around girls I become the stereotypical geek. I mumble, or stutter, or slur my words. It would appear I'm doomed to live out my university years companionless.

But! (This is getting repetitive.) With this girl I am totally relaxed. We can talk about anything, and since we were both grammar schooled (the British version, mind you), we're on a similar intellectual plane and so can easily talk about Nietzsche or lend each other Fight Club. (Because obviously, everyone who went to grammar school understands Nietzsche and attends has read Fight Club.)

Now, I may be getting ahead of myself here, but no friend I've had since I left school has known me for a week or less and has already been consistently willing to go out for a drink, just the two of us. Forgive me for jumping to conclusions, but two people who barely know each other going out for a drink, having swapped phone numbers - isn't that a date? Please tell me it is.

She's perfect.