user since
Tue Jul 26 2011 at 23:17:12 (13 years ago )
last seen
Fri Mar 22 2024 at 13:16:09 (4.2 months ago )
number of write-ups
49 - View relentless's writeups (feed)
level / experience
6 (Artificer) / 2241
C!s spent
Walking on icy roads in dress shoes
Life goes on
categories maintained
Relentless Rants, Terrifying Tech Tales, Relentless Reviews
most recent writeup
Language Transfer
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Picture of the Toronto Skyline taken from Center Island

Circa Jul 2011: I'm just one of em (<-- not spivak) nerds down at UofT; gots one more year to complete Electrical/Computer Engineering.
Circa Feb 2015: ^ Yeah...I graduated alright. And I guess I'm still a nerd. Hm..guess not much has changed.
Circa Feb 2016: Hmm, I should come back more often...
Circa Jan 2017: I can't force myself to read or write. I'll probably come and go with the flow.
Circa Jan 2020


^ Leaving the above as is because...who doesn't like a good cringe

On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. 'Tis is a silly place.