And if anyone corrects me, first of all it may take me months and months to even notice. If ever. Because I don't tend to read messages or chatter or anything. But if I do see someone correcting me, or find that some of my writeups have been deleted... please forgive me for thinking you're a jerk. Don't worry, the admins at Wikipedia can be jerks, too. But I'll soon get over it. I appreciate the fact that everyone at both sites just wants to keep things professional-looking or whatever. Kinda hard to do with wikis, I understand. Doesn't mean I can accept that I'm wrong or stop holding a vague sort of grudge... but at least I can accept that you all ain't wrong, either.
So keep up the good work, folks, and please don't hate me if my own work ain't that great. What can I say, I'm a dilettante. And what with being human and all, I ain't perfect. I'm also frightfully absent-minded and, in all seriousness, quite possibly may suffer from Asperger's Syndrome. I'm sorry if I often think of small changes to make to something I've posted, over and over, before I'm satisfied. I'm slow, and I don't see the harm in it. But I'm just trying to help! In any event, I'll try to learn from my mistakes. Though I still think y'all need writeups on, you know, everything, however brief the entries. Otherwise the name of the site's a bit of a misnomer, ne? Ah well, whatever.