user since
Mon Mar 11 2002 at 00:25:52 (23 years ago )
last seen
Fri Mar 29 2002 at 02:31:43 (23 years ago )
number of write-ups
8 - View yeshua's writeups (feed)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 70
mission drive within everything
To node as much Star Wars as I can.
Star Wars
May the force be with you.
most recent writeup
Storm Troopers
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By using the screen name yeshua, I am not emplying that I am Jesus. The name yeshua also means Joshua, which is my name. I use yeshua because Joshua is such a common name and I never get to a site in time to reserve it.
-thanks, Joshua (yeshua).

Protecting the skies and space around Naboo is the N-1 starfighter. Its sleek design exemplifies the philosophy of art and fuction witnessed throughout Naboo technology. Its twin radial J-type engines are capped in gleaming chrome and trail long delicate-looking finials behind the ship's single-pilot compartment. Behind the pilot sits a standard astromech droid, plugged into an abbreviated, ventrally-fed socket which requires the droid to compress slightly in order to fit within the vessel's curves. The fighter features twin blaster cannons, twin fire-linked torpedo launchers, and a capable automatic pilot feature. During the Battle of Naboo, fearless pilot Ric Olié led Bravo Squadron's N-1 fighters against swarms of Trade Federation droid starfighters. The unexpected help of talented rookie pilot Anakin Skywalker resulted in the destruction of the Droid Control Ship, sealing the victory at Naboo.

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