As Segnbora-t reports in Wrap Up in Noder Love: An E2 Craft Project and Fundraiser, the second afghan is C!omplete and it's time to buy some raffle tickets.

Segnbora-t says:

You can see pictures of it on my homenode and at (click for EXTERNAL LINK - will launch in new window).

A few early birds have already earmarked their contributions to the Donation Box for raffle tickets, but for anyone else interested, you've got until December 31. Each ticket will cost $5; there is no limit on how many you can buy (this is, after all, a fundraiser!) To buy one, just make a donation to E2's Donation Box and make sure you include a comment to say you want to buy tickets for the afghan raffle. The drawing will be the first week of December sometime (a more exact date will be announced).

You know you want it for noding on those cold, winter nights when the fresh loin air is a bit too bracing. If you're not from a cold climate, you could buy tickets for iceowl, who could certainly use it.