Arthur A. Levine Books (1996 - 2019) was an imprint of Scholastic. It was run by Arthur A. Levine, both and editor and author of children's books. Levine left Scholastic in 2019 to start his own independent publishing company, Levine Querido.
Arthur A. Levine Books was focused on "the search for authors and artists who will make books that are emotionally true and beautifully crafted, and to get those books to their audience." The imprint often looked for foreign authors that could be introduced to American audiences, ranging from J.K. Rowling to Nahoko Uehashi. As such, much of what it published were not original works, but works that were new to America, often involving translation. However, it also published a good number of 'local' and original works, and started its run with Norma Fox Mazer’s When She Was Good. Published works range from graphic novels to picture books to chapter books, targeted at a wide range of ages, but generally focused on the late elementary to young adult age ranges.