Update: wertperch got grit. A month after open-heart surgery, and I'm healing well =]

"Jesus said, 'Blessed is the person who's gone to a lot of trouble. They've found life.'"
the Gospel of Thomas

Following a visit to my cardiologist yesterday, I have confirmation that my incision scar is healing nicely, that my sternum is knitting together very well. The sutures for my chest drain are finally removed. The team is happy with my vitals, and they're adjusting my meds to reflect my improvement. In particular they're happy that I've been exercising regularly (walking up to a mile at a time) and have only needed one major pain intervention in three weeks. So now I am clear to use a wider range of upper body movement, which means I can drive again. Whilst i still have some limitations (lifting no more than five pounds per hand) I'm very encouraged by this news. Perhaps I can even slowly return to work after this weekend (which would be good as I'm almost at the end of my savings and would love to continue to pay rent!) In addition, my sternal healing means that I no longer have to sleep sitting and propped up, and can once more lie on my side. It may not seem like much, but believe me this is a game-changer, especially as sleeping wih a Zoll life vest can be awkward and uncomfortable.

So I took an experimental drive out yesterday afternoon to do a little grocery errand, and today I'm going to drive to town to visit my favourite cafe and get a haircut. Being more independent is going to be a major boost to my mental and emotional health, even though i am going to have some physical limitations for the next couple of months. I could not be happier with this as it confirms for me that my general health leading up to the surgery was good, and that I can fight and heal with determination.

Future plans include growing my body hair back (having to put up with lots of uncomfy itching =\), training for a marathon, and hiking a couple of local mountains (Whitney and Shasta), and I'm still hoping to plan a trip to visit Tess in Seattle in the New Year, also to take the train out to the Dryad and her family in the Spring. One thing about this whole health event is that it's proved two things to me—firstly, how valuable and dear my family and friends are to me, and secondly, how dear I am to them. I have the responsibility to stay as healthy as possible for them as well as me, to which end I continue to hone my healthy living habits, eat well, get a good sleep schedule and take care of myself and my living space.

Today I learned about postperfusion syndrome and I'm trying to remain balanced and non-hypochondriac about it, and looking back, the whole bloody surgery was brutal enough that I can't afford another health thing to fret or wonder about.. I do believe I am doing well, and recovering nicely. I'm not going to worry myself needlessly but concentrate on continued recovery.

So to all of you here who've sent good wishes, thought healing thoughts and sent out prayers, I thank you for being such a part of my life and community. Without E2 I think I'd have gone crazy. You are all a blessing to me.

/ Today is Prickle-Prickle, the 47th day \
\ of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3190      /
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