I spent a good deal of the day attending the memorial of a friend who died recently. I had known her for nine or ten years, including the time when she was transitioning, which I have alluded to before. Present were her father, her estranged partner (who has "adopted" me as their father) and many of her friends. It was mostly in the form of a celebration of life; many people told stories about her, some funny, some insightful. She was a smart woman who'd been immersed in learning about science since he age of six at least ), her father told about buying her an encyclopaedia at that age, when she was younger than I was when my father bought me The Book of Knowledge.

As you can imagine, her father was devastated by his loss, but clearly impressed at the depth and breadth of the effect she's had on her friends and community. I praised him for his encouragement and support of her curiosity; I hope it was some help to him. Dear man, no-one should have to mourn a child thus. I can only imagine his heartbreak, I'd be ripped in two were the same to happen to me.

Meanwhile, I have to thank my housemate Bill who attended to me this morning, as I woke up with a debilitating butt cramp which left me weakened and unable to walk very well. Still after some help, I managed to hobble about well enough to get us both into town. My body continues to heal, and I observed that the only times I've needed painkillers has been for ancillary pain, mostly in my shoulders and not my sternum. I continue to do well. I am only now beginning to worry about money, not being back at work anything close o full time yet. I'm not quite at the point where I have to choose between getting prescriptions or paying rent, but that crisis is coming. I'm all out of savings as of rent day this month, and I have no idea how to move forward, or how to ask for help in that.

In E2 news, it being February I am again running a Brevity Quest, which is starting to attract some attention. I'm hoping that some of you will up and node some of wertperch's nodeshell challenge, in particular Terry Davis, whose absence on E2 is starting to niggle me.

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