A hyperlinked review of an annotated story.

If you pronounce UBI as “you be,” then the title should sound a bit like the “doobie-doobie-doo” scat at the end of Frank Sinatra’s “Strangers in the Night.” This is intended to foreshadow the meeting of the two characters.1

This short story (published around August 9, 2023) by Glen Engel-Cox, a school friend of mine since the 6th grade, is a satirical critique of modern celebrity culture, artificial intelligence, and universal basic income, blending elements of science fiction with social commentary. The narrative revolves around two main characters: Al1s0ng, an AI-generated pop star, and Pol, a devoted fan living on universal basic income.

The story's structure is clever, using song titles and lyrics throughout to create a familiar yet surreal atmosphere. This technique adds depth to the narrative, connecting the fictional world to our own pop culture history. And without familiarity, can it truly be surreal?

Al1s0ng represents the ultimate manufactured celebrity, created by a combination of technology and corporate interests. Her character highlights the artificial nature of modern stardom and the increasing role of AI in entertainment. Pol, on the other hand, personifies for the reader the consequences of a UBI society, where basic needs are met but ambition and purpose are lacking, mimicking some of the fears of (and against) liberal socialism and/or communism from real life. His obsession with Al1s0ng illustrates the escapism and parasocial relationships that can develop in such a system.

The story's climax, where Pol gets his "dream date" with Al1s0ng, is both a fulfillment of fantasy and a critique of its hollowness. The experience is fleeting and ultimately unsatisfying, emphasizing the emptiness of celebrity worship and the illusion of connection in a digital age.

Glen's use of language here is playfully sardonic, weaving together pop culture references to create a narrative that is unsettlingly familiar. The story is a short, cautionary tale about the potential pitfalls of AI, UBI, and the cult of celebrity, while also exploring themes of reality, authenticity, and human connection in a technologically advanced society. I really enjoyed it, more than I thought I would actually2, and recommend it3 as a momentary diversion as it is a quick read, even including all 76 annotations, making it informative as well as a snapshot of the times. The annotations also make a hell of a playlist.

1The first annotation for the story.

2My posted response on his facebook page was, "Am thinking I want more stories set in this universe, sir."

3Books in the same vein includes Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, Feed by M.T. Anderson, The Circle by Dave Eggers, Neuromancer by William Gibson, Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, and Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut. If one enjoyed any, one will probably enjoy all.

The story can be found at

iron noder

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