If it helps and doesn't harm, who cares if it's only the Placebo Effect in action?

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
-- Hamlet

Complementary medicine, or more commonly complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), refers to a diverse group of healthcare practices, treatments, and products that are used alongside conventional medical care to enhance overall health and well-being, because, hey, why not? These therapies currently are not considered part of standard medical practice (at least in the West) but are increasingly being integrated into such healthcare settings and is, conveniently, known as integrative medicine.


Complementary medicine encompasses a wide range of therapeutic and diagnostic disciplines that exist largely outside the institutions where conventional healthcare is taught and provided. The Cochrane Collaboration defines it as:

"Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a broad domain of healing resources that encompasses all health systems, modalities, and practices and their accompanying theories and beliefs, other than those intrinsic to the politically dominant health system of a particular society or culture in a given historical period. CAM includes all such practices and ideas self-defined by their users as preventing or treating illness or promoting health and well-being. Boundaries within CAM and between the CAM domain and that of the dominant system are not always sharp or fixed."1.
The issue with lumping these together is subtle but different enough that referencing them independently is necessary at times. Complementary medicine is that which is done in addition to common clinical care whereas alternative medicine is that which is done instead of, such as diet and supplements replacing pharmaceuticals, more or less. There is overlap, to be sure, especially considering new branches of established disciplines are continually being developed and the conventional varies between countries and time periods, making the boundaries blurry and constantly shifting.


Complementary medicine practices can be grouped into several categories:

  1. Alternative Medical Systems

  2. Mind-Body Interventions

  3. Biologically-Based Treatments

  4. Manipulative Body-Based Methods

  5. Energy Therapies

  6. Other Practices

Clinical Considerations

When integrating complementary medicine into clinical practice or a particular health regimen, healthcare providers (and their patients!) should consider:

  • Evidence-based approach: Evaluate the safety and efficacy of complementary therapies through rigorous scientific research to help avoid quackery.

  • Patient-centered care: Discuss complementary medicine options with patients, considering their preferences and beliefs.

  • Integration with conventional medicine: Use complementary therapies alongside, not in place of, standard medical treatments.

  • Safety and interactions: Be aware of potential side effects and interactions between complementary therapies and conventional medications. (For instance, every time I find a supplement to potentially help address my cancer diagnosis, it interferes with at least one of my heart meds.)

  • Practitioner qualifications: Ensure that complementary medicine practitioners are well-trained and certified in their respective fields.
By incorporating complementary medicine into a holistic approach to healthcare, clinicians can address the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the health of those in their care, potentially improving both patient outcomes and satisfaction.

1: https://www.cochrane.org/

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