"Neofetch is a CLI system information tool written in BASH. Neofetch displays information
about your system next to an image, your OS logo, or any ASCII file of your choice."
—neofetch man page
Neofetch is one of those tools that one only uses now and again; i use it when i forget some aspect of my system, such as my screen resolution. its other main use seems to be when showing off the look of one's desktop, so you'll often see it as part of a screengrab on the likes of Reddit's /r/unixporn subreddit¹, where people are showing off their OS desktop setup.
This is an attempt at showing you what it looks like; E2 obviously can't interpret the ANSI control codes, so the first and last lines read as garbage, but it will at least give you an idea.:
[?25l[?7l[37m[0m[1m `-++:`
` `-+oooooooooooooooooooo/- `
`:oo/- .:ooooooooooooooo+:` `-+oo/.
`/oooooo:. -/oooooooooo/. ./oooooo/.
`:+ooooo+-` `:+oooo+- `:oooooo+:`
.:oooooo/. .::` -+oooooo/.
-/oooooo:. ./oooooo+-
[43C[0m[32m[1mOS[0m[0m:[0m openSUSE Leap 15.4 x86_64[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mHost[0m[0m:[0m Latitude 7390[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mKernel[0m[0m:[0m 5.14.21-150400.24.100-default[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mUptime[0m[0m:[0m 2 days, 4 hours, 48 mins[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mShell[0m[0m:[0m bash 4.4.23[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mResolution[0m[0m:[0m 1920x1080[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mDE[0m[0m:[0m Xfce 4.16[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mWM[0m[0m:[0m Xfwm4[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mWM Theme[0m[0m:[0m Greybird-Geeko-Light[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mTheme[0m[0m:[0m Greybird-Geeko-Light GTK2/3[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mIcons[0m[0m:[0m openSUSE-Xfce GTK2, Adwaita GTK3[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mCPU[0m[0m:[0m Intel i7-8650U (8) @ 4.200GHz[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mGPU[0m[0m:[0m Intel UHD Graphics 620[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mMemory[0m[0m:[0m 6550MiB / 7805MiB[0m
[43C[0m[32m[1mPackages[0m[0m:[0m 2641 (rpm)[0m
[43C[30m[40m [31m[41m [32m[42m [33m[43m [34m[44m [35m[45m [36m[46m [37m[47m [m
With luck, there's a screenshot at https://imgur.com/a/QaNyPpG
it's available by default on most Linux distros, so easy to install; there are many configuration options, none of which I've ever felt the need to use, so that example is out-of-the-box defaults.
$ xclip -o | wc -w
brevity Quest 2025 276
¹ unixporn subreddit