Time Details
2011-12-26 15:14:44 Halspal changed room topic to 'Happy Boxing Day.'
2011-12-24 18:04:58 Montag changed room topic to 'Merry Christmas!'
2011-12-24 16:02:59 jessicaj changed room topic to 'NORAD Santa Tracker.'
2011-12-22 18:49:44 in10se changed outside topic to 'Happy (SEASON) to you, (ACQUAINTANCE NAME)!'
2011-12-22 12:21:17 Intentions changed room topic to 'Study suggests bras accelerate sagging. '
2011-12-22 10:29:33 Intentions changed room topic to 'So the NBA lockout has been done, and the Season starts Sunday. '
2011-12-21 15:21:10 Intentions changed room topic to 'Kim Jong Il is dead. Huh. A brave new world?'
2011-12-21 10:57:09 Intentions changed room topic to 'Kim Jong Il is dead. Huh. A brave new world?'
2011-12-21 01:00:47 Montag changed room topic to 'Will the last one out of Iraq please turn off the lights.'
2011-12-20 17:19:10 grundoon changed outside topic to 'jazz for cows'
2011-12-20 17:18:22 grundoon changed outside topic to '[http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lXKDu6cdXLI?rel=0|jazz for cows'
2011-12-20 17:00:00 Halspal changed room topic to 'Man Eats Cocaine From Brother's Butt, Dies'
2011-12-17 16:35:36 Halspal changed room topic to 'Please send momomom's mom a Christmas card (Rebha P. Mende at WakeMed 3000 New Bern Ave Raleigh, NC 27610). She fell and broke her poor little hip.'
2011-12-16 08:21:46 Zephronias changed room topic to 'Can't stomach the Eye of Argon? Try it MST3K style! '
2011-12-16 06:17:18 Halspal changed room topic to 'This is a fun page of Hitchens quotes. He was a live one.'
2011-12-15 15:36:24 lizardinlaw changed room topic to 'Let's be more like rats.'
2011-12-14 05:06:48 Zephronias changed room topic to 'Did you know that angry lemmings kinda sound like squeak toys?'
2011-12-14 04:06:15 Halspal changed room topic to 'Did you know that lemmings don't jump off cliffs in nature? Everybody thinks they do because of a Disney film where they were launched off the cliff using a turntable. '
2011-12-13 15:45:59 Halspal changed room topic to 'Happy birthday to dannye and Ted Nugent.'
2011-12-13 12:10:58 Oolong changed outside topic to '"Work your dark magic, JayBonci."'
2011-12-13 01:08:04 Zephronias changed room topic to '"Work your dark magic, booze."'
2011-12-13 01:02:50 mauler changed outside topic to 'Node information.'
2011-12-12 20:52:12 drownzsurf changed room topic to 'New Topic We be needin' Rambo's wisdom's bad: "Let it Go!"'
2011-12-12 00:39:45 The Custodian changed room topic to 'Uncertainty sucks. Change sucks. Break on through to the other side.'
2011-12-12 00:21:26 Zephronias changed room topic to 'Politeness may be in order, but only as Plan A, after which it becomes an increasingly smaller side dish to plans B through H. We are currently on Plan X. '
2011-12-11 23:58:58 dannye changed room topic to 'As a user of this site, I ask that you do not include me in your hasty generalizations.'
2011-12-11 23:39:06 Intentions changed room topic to 'Everything2 and the people in it are too stubborn to go gently into the good night. We will rage, rage and triumph and keep the lights on in this place.'
2011-12-11 22:17:40 Glowing Fish changed room topic to 'Zip it. Zip it good. '
2011-12-11 22:15:21 Jet-Poop changed room topic to '"I went about mourning as though for my friend or brother. I bowed my head in grief as though weeping for my mother."'
2011-12-11 22:05:00 Halspal changed room topic to ' Zip it.'
2011-12-11 07:40:06 OldMiner changed room topic to '"I went about mourning as though for my friend or brother. I bowed my head in grief as though weeping for my mother."'
2011-12-05 22:54:59 Oolong changed outside topic to 'There's some big news, but not to worry.'
2011-12-05 21:12:20 OldMiner changed outside topic to 'There's some big news, but not to worry.'
2011-12-05 21:01:21 OldMiner changed outside topic to 'Don't panic. You're smarter than that.'
2011-12-05 20:57:47 OldMiner changed outside topic to 'Don't panic. You're smarter than that.'
2011-12-05 20:53:22 Halspal changed room topic to 'At high tide fish eat ants, at low tide ants eat fish.'
2011-12-05 20:23:46 OldMiner changed outside topic to 'Don't panic. You're smarter than that.'
2011-12-05 15:12:19 misterfuffie changed room topic to 'Ha-ha. '
2011-12-03 20:49:15 Aerobe changed room topic to 'The most successful Iron Noder Challenge in E2 history has come to an end. Thank you to all who participated!'
2011-12-02 17:01:16 Montag changed room topic to 'The (NSFW) wisdom of Iron Mike.'
2011-12-02 16:42:12 Auspice changed room topic to 'How to be even more annoying when talking on your cellphone in public.'
2011-12-02 14:56:00 mauler changed outside topic to 'Dear everything2~ / Let's speak only in haiku / Are you up for it?'
2011-12-01 19:40:39 raincomplex changed room topic to 'city living--- / accidents prevented by / NYC haiku'
2011-12-01 03:02:01 mauler changed outside topic to 'The USA should invade the USA and win the hearts and minds of the population by building roads and bridges and putting locals to work.'
2011-11-29 00:56:35 Aerobe changed room topic to 'Because of recent downtime, the deadline for Iron Noder will be moved to 12:00 AM Saturday, December 3, 2011.'
2011-11-29 00:54:53 Aerobe changed room topic to 'While the site is running on diminished hardware, disabling nodelets in nodelet settings may speed up your pageloads. | Because of recent downtime, the deadline for Iron Noder wi
2011-11-28 20:50:08 raincomplex changed room topic to 'While the site is running on diminished hardware, disabling nodelets in nodelet settings may speed up your pageloads. I've done my part!'
2011-11-28 19:56:18 OldMiner changed outside topic to 'While the site is running on diminished hardware, you may find that disabling some nodelets in nodelet settings may speed up your pageloads.'
2011-11-28 19:38:39 Halspal changed room topic to 'Everything is okay.'
2011-11-28 11:37:43 OldMiner changed outside topic to 'While the site is running on diminished hardware, you may find that disabling some nodelets in nodelet settings may speed up your pageloads.'
