Time Details
2013-03-02 23:49:55 oakling changed room topic to 'Enjoy your weekend with two new projects from E2 members! Every Little Thing She Cooks with Bacon AUDIO EDITION is ready! Give thanks to our [Oolong (user)|
2013-03-02 21:03:42 StuartO))) changed room topic to 'Every Little Thing She Cooks with Bacon AUDIO EDITION is ready! Give thanks to our publisher!'
2013-03-02 17:51:22 Zephronias changed room topic to 'There is No Authority but Yourself. But what do I know, I'm a Topic, not a cop.'
2013-03-02 11:18:44 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'There is No Authority but Yourself'
2013-03-02 03:51:46 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'Prob and Lem have a mantra called cash money'
2013-03-01 12:25:33 Oolong changed outside topic to '<small>no more science, i am full</small>'
2013-02-28 22:31:02 Oolong changed outside topic to 'Last chance to knock out an entry for ScienceQuest 2013!'
2013-02-26 20:24:21 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'Goodreads, also can your internet do this? '
2013-02-26 20:07:37 Halspal changed room topic to 'Goodreads, also.'
2013-02-24 00:55:44 passport changed room topic to 'Worship The Truck Farmer at the church of your choice. RIP WolfDaddy.'
2013-02-20 12:18:03 avalyn changed outside topic to 'RIP WolfDaddy.'
2013-02-20 02:38:31 jaybonci changed outside topic to 'RIP WolfDaddy'
2013-02-19 03:36:59 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'for tentative, a pony'
2013-02-15 22:44:43 Zephronias changed room topic to 'Meteorite hits Russia. Russians unfazed.'
2013-02-14 11:07:59 decoy hunches changed room topic to '"But fiction is not empirical truth. It is simulation that runs on minds of readers just as computer simulations run on computers." -- Keith Oatley'
2013-02-08 22:56:06 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'ScienceQuest 2013: where everything is fractal.'
2013-02-08 22:49:43 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'Welcome to ScienceQuest 2013. Would you like to know how to build a bionic man?'
2013-02-03 10:12:23 Oolong changed outside topic to 'Welcome to ScienceQuest 2013.'
2013-02-02 22:09:22 dannye changed room topic to 'Breaking News!! Sun may affect weather.'
2013-02-02 17:20:13 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'Happy Groundhog Day!'
2013-01-31 20:36:44 StuartO))) changed room topic to 'NOW available: It's Kitty! AUDIO edition! Next challenge: The Solubility Rules Song: bridging one quest to the next. Can you node
2013-01-31 03:45:04 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'The Solubility Rules Song: bridging one quest to the next. Can you node soluble, maybe?'
2013-01-28 03:07:21 StuartO))) changed room topic to 'FOUR days remain in Silly Songs Quest. We have ELEVEN new nodes created, but only ONE has enough writeups for recording. Help SSQ finish strong!'
2013-01-26 15:49:43 BookReader changed outside topic to 'Poe and Vern'
2013-01-26 12:43:14 VicimusGegan changed room topic to 'http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.ussc.gov/'
2013-01-25 18:03:32 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'We Must Build An Enormous McWorld In Times Square, A Xanadu Representing A McDonald's From Every Nation'
2013-01-24 13:23:02 borgo changed room topic to 'Do you have an opinion you'd like to voice? Well now you can do it here. Check the write up types and you'll see "opinion" as one of the options. '
2013-01-23 15:47:56 kthejoker changed room topic to 'Hope for E2: Nothing on the Internet will ever die.'
2013-01-22 22:04:39 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'Sir David Attenborough denounces the human race as a "plague on the Earth" during an interview about his new black metal http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/9815862/Human
2013-01-21 14:18:56 [avalyn[user changed outside topic to 'Who do you favor for the Super Bowl?'
2013-01-20 08:24:02 Zephronias changed room topic to 'Failed assassination attempt on a Bulgarian politician results in old, unarmed politicians bringing on the hurt.'
2013-01-19 19:14:00 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'Break on Through'
2013-01-18 16:51:14 RedOmega changed room topic to 'Debussy plays Debussy'
2013-01-18 03:15:03 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'Pull a dragon out of a hat!'
2013-01-15 23:08:30 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'if there are other tapeworms, why aren't they here? but really, what should we be worried about?'
2013-01-12 21:04:28 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'RIP, Aaron Swartz'
2013-01-12 21:04:25 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'RIP, Aaron Swartz'
2013-01-12 21:01:21 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'RIP, Aaron Swartz'
2013-01-11 02:43:05 decoy hunches changed room topic to '[http://archiveofourown.org/works/480563?view_adult=true|'Tis some tension in the time-suspension cables in the core,
 Some small temporal dimension shift inside the central core.
 This it is, and nothing m
2013-01-08 21:06:44 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'high-ho, the dairy Cliff of Tuscany!'
2013-01-07 23:36:32 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'The Economist looks at cartoons and a cartoonist looks cool news, Two-Thousand-and-Thirteen is begun! Two-Thousand-
2013-01-03 05:44:25 OldMiner changed room topic to 'SIRS AND MADAMS PLEASE TO EXAMINE THE DISTINGUISHED QUEST RESULTS AND AWARDS OF PRIZES. | Staying in the questly spirit, Two-Thousand-and-Thirteen is beginning! Two-Thousand-and-Twelve
2013-01-01 15:27:55 StuartO))) changed room topic to 'Two-Thousand-and-Thirteen is beginning! Two-Thousand-and-Twelve is gone! A fun new Quest is commencing! So join in and write us a song!'
2012-12-31 23:09:37 Zephronias changed room topic to 'Lovebirds are jerks.'
2012-12-31 16:23:17 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'the ends don't justify the memes'
2012-12-31 16:18:59 decoy hunches changed room topic to 'the ends don't justify the memes'
2012-12-28 14:42:57 Oolong changed outside topic to 'bol has written a delightful fable for our times.'
2012-12-25 02:56:53 Oolong changed outside topic to 'On making'
2012-12-22 01:43:57 fool4luv changed room topic to 'E2 Podcast Season 6, Episode 3 still exists. Santa Claws is coming to town.'
