Lorum ipsum dolores sit amet.
This text should be underlined
Feel free to contact me with questions about the mechanisms of armor protection or other modern weapons related questions, and even if I don't have the answer myself then I may be able to point you to sources which may contain your desired info.
Please always state which 7.62 caliber you mean.
7.62x25mm Tokarev (Soviet bottlenecked SMG/pistol caliber)
7.62x39mm (large intermediate rifle cartridge of AK-47/AKM & SKS fame)
7.62x51mm NATO (full power rifle cardridge used in FN FAL, the H&K G3, the M-14, the M60, the FN Mag(aka the M240), and many other weapons)
7.62x54mmR (full power rifle cardridge mainly used in the Mosin-Nagant, the SVD Dragunov, and the PK machine gun as well as its variants)
If I am not active on E2 then I may be reached at notachair314@gmail.com
My takeaway from the bible is that rounding pi to 3 is excusable when measuring in cubits.
See:Pi in the Bible
Ultra-nano-ceramics aren't used in tank armor because 2mm of mild steel + 5mm of rubber + 2mm mild steel set at a 60 degree angle casually eats 57.5% of the penetrating power of a shaped charge capable of piercing 200mm of RHA.1 There is a reason no modern tank uses HEAT shells for anything other than as a dual purpose shell.
1Granted, this result is with the NERA having 242mm of space behind it for the shattered shaped charge jet(say that 7 times fast) to come apart.