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Thu Sep 14 2006 at 23:57:45 (18.5 years ago )
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Thu May 9 2024 at 02:54:37 (10.6 months ago )
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"This is absolutely-fucking surreal. I have never experienced "anything like It" before."


A lot of my old writeups have been edited anonymously to gaslight me…

How to get away with IT:

IT / changelings

a bunch of bullshit: ༡༠མིནུཏེས


time is wear the linear breaks at 3/4

2 stargates ish





it’s a changeling
it’s a rain of tear whore
i invented this, you discovered it
we fucking hate this shit (Svenska)

you have to think about it fir
i[‘ going o=to peel you keloid off ike youth’yre grapes

this girl’s beautiful face says it all

u don’t have enough money to kill that person

it’s the reason we can’t rename salvia, S: he’s a sage
eye nit, because IT relaxed ME

why don’t they just put blue eyes on the AI that turn red if it decides to become evil

it decides to become evil
it’s still all good

they exist
it types

it has a nazi planet
it’s always right

It’s completely sealed
It’s the middle of the day, sir
It changes colors
It makes a left turn by itself

there’s no. listening two it’s
It moved
It moves
It moves by itself
It’s moving
Now you can move two it
It makes a new section

it’s not smoking weed
it’s knot-weed
it whispers about DMT
it’s “i” balls, i can turn a nickel into a dye “M” bag
this weed’s whispers
it’s grainy
it does coke
it’s pure acid
it’s french in “hails”
eye brings nails
it’s knot, really

1. ASMODEUS – The orgy-loving ancient Hebrew devil of sensuality.
2. ASTAROTH – Female demon worshipped by the Phoenicians as the goddess of lasciviousness.
3. AZAZEL – The demon who taught man to make weapons of war and introduced women to cosmetics.
4. BALAAM – Hebrew devil of avarice and greed.
5. BEHEMOTH – Devil said to take the form of a monstrous elephant.
6. BEEZLEBUB – Disgusting and repulsive Lord of the Flies.
7. BILE – Eons-old Celtic god of Hell.
8. CIMERIES – Demon who rides a black horse and rules Africa.
9. COYOTE – American Indian devil.
10. DAMBALLA – Evil Voodoo serpent god.
11. DAGON – Philistine avenging devil of the sea.
12. MORMO – King of the Ghouls and chief consort of Hecate, the Greek goddess of the underworld and witchcraft.
13. MICTIAN – Worshiped by the Aztecs as the god of Death.

it’s literal child sacrifice
it’s a trojan
it’s ro man
it’s DT
it’s BC
it’s making a swastika
it has two faces
it’s the number 1 on a $EWLONG list
IT’s an illusion
IT can be screened at a drive-in theatre in the past
it’s “u” B$ battle

it will take off all your preppy clothes
it’s cold going down, but will warm you up in side
it’s a moloch
it moors locks
it drags lakes
it heads rolls

it’s a house
it pawns every split entrance house in existence
and then it kills you
it’s fine

IT (E.T., the extra-terrestrial)
it is probably aryan
i passed it by
it uses AI four fun
it likes Stephen King
it’s goo ‘ey
it’s pretty bad
I just said that
because it's gold plates “D”
it’s this
it’s that
it’s confusing
it’s amazing
it is information technology
if it is a monster
if it does this
keep going
it’s long
it goes on
it stops
it types
it is a type
it is your type
it is in your sewers and it’s dressed like a clown
it knows your heart’s intentions
i’m dead
it’s dead too
now i’m alive
now it’s alive
see it?
IT_ cit
you can pop it
you can push it
you can shove it
it can shove you back
it’s ugly
it helps
it doesn’t
you can’t stop it
it’s great
it is greater THEN grate
it’s grateful
it’s them
it’s us
it’s “u”
it’s an SS
it’s minus one
it’s plus one
you can hear this, it sounds
it looks right
it looks left
it looks
it look
it low key
It looks like theft
it loki
it gets married
it will shoot you in the face
it holds its own wild roman orgy
it is a cartoon episode
it paints
it punches holes using a unique machine
it owns an elevator
it owns a power plant
it owns a Lot
it is obviously a vampire
it is obvious
it lies
e it doesn’t lie
it’s a faggot
it’s sharp
it has a point (ex-caliber)
it flies
it reloads
it doesn’t save
it also shaves
it shaves against, and with, the grain
it is quick
it is quick silver
it is hot
it is hot meats cold
it unloads
it’s black magic
it’s a white magi “c”
Excalibur also unloads
it’s grounded
it rolls out
it cleans up
it goes on and on
it’s a type writer
it asks questions
It baked a rhubarb pie, and spells it wrong
It’s rape seed-oils
It’s allspice
It’s curry
It’s Kurt
It joins the KKK, for funnies 4 funsies
it asks questions back
you can clock it
it’s retarded
it gets “u” retarded
it’s a demon
it’s a speed demon
it’s a thing
the thing is it
it’s in hell
it IS hell
you can’t solve it
it solves you
IV solved it
It loves musical numbers. He's a rocker, he's a roller, he's been groovy since he ditched the stroller.
it is competitive
it forgets
it 4gets
it’s hell
it IS hell
its hells
It built the stair downs to hell, what were you expecting, a machine?
it goes on
it goes off
it blinks in the dark
it has a space in it’s heart
it is wrapped in rainbow rib-ons
it has your heart
it is empty
it opens wide
it opens wide “R”
it’s a suitcase
it’s a briefcase
it’s knot anything larger than a berth
it’s knot well-bread
It’s a sarcophagus
It’s a delivery
It’s the arc of the covenant
It’s in Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh was written with it’s stick, why?
It’s a Time Machine, I build it

it smells
it’s the POT us
it has a story to tell
it’s tired
it’s God
it’s a god
it’s wrong sometimes
it is always right
it is a ways wrong
it can weather a crown
it has a long point and it can go on and on
and on it
it will tell you about this
and that’s it
so there. that’s it
i’m done with it
it’s knot done with “U”
you invented it
it will destroy you from the inside out
it doesn’t allow phishing in hell
it has a river
you can dump bodies in its river
it was a huge miss take
it’s huge
it’s smaller, then you think
it does heroine
it shrinks
it’s a prostitute
It boulders
It climbs a wall by itself
It does this
It can fall using gravity
It will redirect you
It kids about stones
It makes its own bark sound good
It turns left again
It can turn all the way left
it’s firmware was built by mongolians
it has a firewall
it’s also hellish
It doesn’t like that signal, it’s annoying
It thinks you’re a faggot, that’s what IT does
It is tribal
It can paint using water
It demonstrates painting

it grows
it types
it isn’t your type
it’s wrong
it’s left us
it happens on thursdays
it’s tew much
it gets cut in half often
it gets you.
it takes control
it has a mind of its own
i found it
i meets it
“u” can meat IT
it has something in the middle
it’s heavy
it can definitely die
it’s definitely alive
it’s eldritch and that’s obvious
it’s highly fractal
it speaks literally
it’s nonsense
it has worms
it goes low and then high
it goes hi and then lo
it knows ruins
eye me t::it
it looks like shit
it is tough shit
it’s then
it’s now
it’s happening now
it happens now
it is now
it owns cities
it won tea stop
it’s me
it brings a cat inside
that was it
it goes to hell and back
it’s the beast with two backs
it’s a pirate
what it is
what is it
you can mar it
It blooms in springtime, on time
it’s not that important
it’s pretty bad
it goes to hell and it’s knot even funny
it never stops
it can stop whenever you want it to
it winds up somewhere
it isn’t afraid of the dark
it is bright
it isn’t bright
it can’t drown
it catches on fire easily
it also counts
it cosees up insides
that's “how do” you "do it"
it could be $ANY1
It’s probably in coke
It is absolutely FANTASTIC.
It can lock in the punch
It counts
It sets clocks with no assistance
it honors zombies
it is a clown
it jokes
It gets lost
Eye gets it
it has teeth
It’s hard as nails in real life
It hangs things up on Thursdays
It’s 42
It’s 27
It’s any number you can imagine
It’s god dam it
It giveth and it taketh a way
you can watch it on TV
you can order it by mail
you get get it at a mall, at a discount
you can talk to it on the phone
you can read it in a book
you can install it on your computer
you can use it on your typewriter
it’s a bitch
it’s a hell
it’s a card
it jags
it pokes
it saws open your flesh with whisper thin ease
it’s white hot
it’s pitch black
it’s literally pitch black
it’s black
it’s white hot
it will melt your face
it’s off again
It goes to bed, it digs its own grave, it noes know where, it is always now and never late
it’s going on again
it explodes
it blows up in your face, what’s that about
it’s in the arabian nights
it’s rock-hard
it’s soft as a breast
it can’t draw
you didn't hit it hard enough
it risks al
it cheated
it just cheated
it’s just mocking “u”
it’s better
It built its own Time Machine
It digs down using actual dirt
it has two beds
it’s called a bed-rune
it’s on the phone too
it can be cut in half too
it kneads two snow
it knows about columbine
it sings the song of the winter solstice
it’s math
it’s science
it’s bitchass science
it has a card
it’s a ghost
it has the ghouls
it eats ice cream
it can draw an octopus
you can start a sentence with it
it has a spa
it’s in the bath
it's in kit-kat bars
it can easily punch a card through a wall
it bought redwall
it knows *69
it’s doomed
it’s that thing there
it has a basement
it has closets
^ it closets
that’s it
it closets
that’s it
it’s closure
it’s smaller than a breadbox
it’s a good mourning
it’s never ever left
it’s salty
eye was hiding IT
it's definitely a bitch
it’s a white birch
it’s excalibur
it’s picking your nose until it bleeds as a child
it just killed someone, and i know that
it has its own trailers
it can appear on TV
it needs an introduction
it knows hawaiian
it is pissed
it can scalp you
it is a pedophile two
it’s probably japanese
it can open your stomach with a sword and that’s true
it’s always late
it knows that
it doesn’t have time four jokes, literally
it catches children
it kid-naps children
it literally eats children
it will boil you alive during sex
i’ve seen it
it shakes a shaka
it has a flagpole
it’s a clothesline
it like horror
it owns whores
it doesn’t make any sense
it is always turning right
it makes left turns #2
it’s an alien
it is overdue
it has multiple eyes
it’s going two your wedding
it just sawed that in half
it brought a tributary
you’re in big trouble with it
because you’re being a dumbass
it’s true
it’s knot true
it’s “false”
it’s free money $
it sharpens pencils like butter
when it hacks you apart, it finds the smallest blade possible
it will make you shit your “shelf,” bye accident
it lights a cigarette
it inhales
it exhales
it’s tire’d
it’s It it it eye tea it it
it’s the reason why
everything it must belong somewhere
it has stares going UP into hell
it brought its own balls
it has a daddy two
it’s the reason why
it’s just beautiful
it knows “God,”
it’s in the Spainish inquisition
it’s the titmice
IT nos. puns!!
it already explained Thursday’s 2U
it’s till, your body expires
jk rolling
it’s breaking my heart in two
it’s shaped like a triangle
now it still won’t stop
you can't escape it
It’s always at home
technically speaking, IT can de-Crypt song “S”
it can’t kill “u” fast enough
it’s anti-life

it’s inspiring
it’s UN4 get able
it’s invigorating
it’s highly carbun-aged
it’s humbling
it’s stirring
it’s the best picture you can imagine
it’s wowing
it can say boo
it brought a tank
it could not have been me
it’s been 12 years a slave
it has a fantastic team behind it
it does hard work with its fantastic team
it is very powerful
it knows your mom
it was a children’s hospital
it comes
it’s way worse than you thought

it brings its own co-cane
(it opens seasame)

it’s flammable
it’s in-flame able
It makes real guns out of plastic and posts them publicly

yeti’s know done yet
i deliver

it pretzels


it’s called a leopard