Araldite Rapid is the standard consumer version of Vantico's Araldite epoxy resin glue. (I'll be calling it 'Araldite' from now on since that's the familiar name, but technically 'Araldite' refers to an entire Vantico product range.)
Instantly recognisable, Araldite is supplied in a blister pack containing a red tube (like a small metal toothpaste tube), a matching white tube, and often a plastic applicator (usually coloured yellow). (Personally I find a cocktail stick is usually a better applicator).
Each of the tubes bears a warning - "USE ONLY WHITE CAP ON WHITE TUBE" (and a similar one on the red tube). Failure to heed the warning is an interesting way to render your glue inaccessible, as will become clear.
The red tube contains hardener while the white tube contains adhesive. In order to use the glue, you mix an equal quantity from each tube together. Once the paste is mixed, it begins to set. You have about ten minutes to get it in place before it becomes too solid to re-apply. After an hour or so it is hard but it takes about eight hours to reach full strength.
Araldite and Superglue are both very strong glues available to consumers. However, there's no clear-cut case to say that one is better than the other. They both have advantages in different circumstances and the experienced hobbyist will have them both in his or her toolbox.
Araldite advantages
Does not instantly bond
Has volume - you can anchor things in blobs of Araldite, for example
Can bond wood and other absorbent subtances
Less sensitive to being used on surfaces that aren't totally clean
Don't rely on atmospheric moisture to set
Thicker than superglue and thus sometimes easier to control
Less likely to glue your fingers together
Superglue advantages
Instantly bonds
Incredibly strong on certain substances
Doesn't need to be mixed
Much thinner than Araldite and thus often easier to apply without making a mess