This is the city where cold wet walking on stilts in smoky rundown living room hollow feeling filled with smoke with no lights or window and the dank feeling of wet fabric everywhere will greet you.
strewn haphhazard papers cannot get them together penalties penalties puishment respect glaring rebuking eyes from corners unforseen.
pestulant deceptive scheming rhymes to lust over for the ruddy faced mass, untouchable mudskin men of doubt and disparage.
(Gr.) Something that moves by itself.

Often used to describe a mechanical device, or, in theoretical computer science, a hypothetical discrete state machine describing a system of transitions between states or configurations, possibly with some additional processing; examples are the finite state automaton, the pushdown automaton, the Turing machine, Petri nets, Markov chains.

Au*tom"a*ton (?), n.; pl. L. Automata (), E. Automatons (). [L. fr. Gr. , neut. of self-moving; self + a root ma, man, to strive, think, cf. to strive. See Mean, v. i.]


Any thing or being regarded as having the power of spontaneous motion or action.


So great and admirable an automaton as the world. Boyle.

These living automata, human bodies. Boyle.


A self-moving machine, or one which has its motive power within itself; -- applied chiefly to machines which appear to imitate spontaneously the motions of living beings, such as men, birds, etc.


© Webster 1913.

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