(Note 1: where applicable the voice/instrumental parts are noted)
(Note 2: notable portions of major works are noted separately, where applicable)
Vocal - Latin:
Ab ortu solis SATB
Ad Dominum cum tribularer SSMezMezATBB
Ad punctum in modico BB (Fragment only)
Adoramus te Christe S solo Viols Tr T 2B
Adorna thalamum tuum Sion SAT
Afflicti pro peccatis SAATBaB
Alleluia. Ascendit Deus SSATB
Alleluia. Ave Maria. Alleluia. Virga Jesse SATTB
Alleluia. Cognoverunt discipuli SATB
Alleluia. Emitte spiritum tuum SSATB
Alleluia. Vespere autem Sabbathi SAT
Alleluya. Confitemini Domino ATB
Alma redemptoris mater SATB
Angelus Domini descendit STT
Apparebit in finem SATTB or SAATB
Ascendit Deus in jubilatione SSATB
Aspice Domine de sede SATTB
Aspice Domine quia facta est SSAATB
Assumpta est Maria SATTB
Attollite portas SSAATB
Audivi vocem SAATB
Ave Maria gratia plena SATTB
Ave maris stella ATB
Ave regina caelorum SATB
Ave regina caelorum SAATB
Ave verum corpus (All hail true body) SATB
Beata es Virgo Maria SATTB
Beati mundo corde SSATB
Beata virgo (the second part of O magnum misterium) SATB
Beata viscera Mariae Virginis SATTB
Benedicta et venerabilis SATTB
Benedictio et claritas SSATB
Benigne fac Domine SATTB
Canon six in one (and four in two) Canon
Canon two in one per arsin et thesin Canon
Cantate Domino SSATBB
Christe qui lux es (a 4) SATB
Christe qui lux es (a 5) SATTB
Christus resurgens STBB
Cibavit eos SATB
Circumdederunt me SAATB
Circumspice Hierusalem SSATBB
Civitas sancti tui SAT Bar (or T) B
Confirma hoc Deus SSATB
Constitues eos Principes SSATTB
Cunctis diebus SMezATBaB
Da mihi auxilium SAATTB
Defecit in dolore AATTB or SSAAT (or Bar)
De Lamentatione Jeremiae prophetae ATTBaB
Deo gratias SATB
Descendit de coelis SAATBaB or SAATTB
Deus, in adjutorium SMezAATB
Deus venerunt gentes SAATB
Dies sanctificatus illuxit nobis SATB
Diffusa est gratia SATTB
Diliges Dominum SSAATTBB
Domine ante te SSATTB
Domine Deus omnipotens SATTB
Domine exaudi SAATB
Domine, exaudi orationem meam SMezATB
Domine non sum dignus SMezATTB
Domine praestolamur SAATB
Domine quis habitabit SSAATTBBB
Domine salva nos SSATTB
Domine secundum actum meum SAATTB
Domine secundum multitudinem SATTB
Domine tu jurasti SAATB
Dominus in Sina in sancto SSATB
Ecce advenit Dominator Dominus SATB
Ecce quam bonum SATB
Ecce Virgo concipiet SATTB
Effuderunt sanguinem SAATB
Ego sum panis vivus SATB
Emendemus in melius SATTB
Exurge Domine SMezATB
Fac cum servo tuo SATTB
Facti sumus opprobrium SAATB
Factus est repente SSATB
Felix es sacra Virgo Maria SATTB
Felix namque es SATTB
Gaudeamus omnes SATTB
Gaudeamus omnes (from All Saints) SSATB
Gaude Maria SATTB
Gloria Patri SSATTB
Haec dicit Dominus SATBaB
Haec Dies STT
Haec Dies SSATTB
Haec Dies SSATB
Hodie Beata Virgo Maria SATB
Hodie Christus Natus Est SATB
Hodie Simon Petrus SSAATB
Infelix ego SMezATBaB
In manus tuas Domine SATB
In resurrectione tua SAA (or T) TB
Jesu nostra redemptio SATT
Justorum Animae (Souls of the Righteous) SSATB
Laetania SATB
Laetentur coeli SMezATB
Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Psalm 116) SSATBB
Laudate Pueri Dominum SAATBB
Laudibus in sanctus SSATB
Levemus corda SAATB
Libera me Domine de morte aeterna SAATB
Libera me Domine et pone me SAATB
Mass for Three Voices (Kyrie/Sanctus/Gloria/Credo/Agnus Dei) ATB
Mass for Four Voices (Kyrie/Sanctus/Gloria/Credo/Agnus Dei) SATB
Mass for Five Voices (Kyrie/Sanctus/Gloria/Credo/Agnus Dei) SATTB
Memento Domine SAATB
Memento homo SAATTB
Memento salutis auctor STB
Miserere mei Deus SATBaB or SMezATB
Miserere mihi Domini SAATTB
Ne irascaris SATBar (or T) B
Ne perdas cum impiis SATTB
Nobis datus SATB
Non noblis Domine SAB
Non vos relinquam Orphanos SSATB
Nos enim pro peccatis nostris SATBarB
Nunc Dimittis servum tuum SATTB
Nunc scio vere SSATTB
O admirabile commercium SATB
Oculi omnium SATB
O Domine adjuva me SAATB
O gloriosa Domine STB
O lux beata Trinitas SSAATB
O magnum misterium SATB
Omni tempore benedic Deum SATTB
Optimam partem elegit SATTB
O quam gloriosum SSATB
O quam suavis est SATB
O Rex gloriae SSATB
Orietur in diebus tuis SMezATB
O sacrum convivium SATB
O salutaris hostia SAATTB
O salutaris hostia SATB
Pascha nostrum SSATB
Peccantum me quotidie SATTB
Peccavi super numerum SATTB
Petrus beatus SAATB
Puer natus est nobis SATB
Plorans Plorabit SAATB
Post dies octo STT
Post partum Virgo SATTB
Posuerunt morticinia SAATB
Preces Deo fundamus (fragment only)
Psallite Domino (Come ye with Psalmody) SSATB
Puer natus est nobis SATB
Quem terra, pontus, aethera STB
Quis et homo SSATB
Quis me statim (1592) Voice and Viols
Quodcunque ligaveris SSATBB
Quomodo cantabimus SSAATTBB
Quotiescunque manducabitis SATB
Recordare Domine SAATB
Reges Tharsis (doubtful work) SATBarB
Reges Tharsis et insulae SATB
Regina caeli SAT
Respice Domine SATTB
Responsum accepit Simeon SATTB
Resurrexi, et adhuc tecum sum SSATB
Rorate caeli desuper SATTB
Sacerdotes Domini SATB
Sacris solemniis (doubtful work) SAATB
Salve Regina SSATB
Salve Regina SATB
Salve Regina SATB
Salve sancta parens SATTB
Salve sola Dei genitrix SSST
Sed tu Domine qui non derelinquis SAATB
Sed tu Domine refugium AATTB or SSAAT (or Bar)
Sed veni Domine SATBarB
Senex puerum portabat SATB
Senex puerum portabat SATTB
Sicut audivimus SATTB
Siderum Rector (Lord God Almighty) SSATB
Similes illis fiant AATB
Solve jubente Deo SSATTB
Speciosus forma SATTB
Spiritus Domini SSATB
Super flumina Babylonis (Philippe de Monte) SATB SATB
Surge, illuminare Jerusalem SATB
Suscepimus Deus SATTB
Te deprecor SSATTB
Terra tremuit SSATB
Timete Dominum SSATB
Timor et hebetudo SATBarB
Tollite portas SATTB
Tribue Domino SSATTB
Tribulationes civitatum SATBarB
Tribulatio proxima est SATBaB
Trisitia et anxietas SAATB
Tu es Pastor ovium SSATBB
Tu es Petrus SSATTB
Tui sunt coeli SATB
Turbarum voces in Passione Domine secundum Joannem SAT
Unam petii a Domino SSATB
Veni Domine noli tardare SAATB
Veni sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda fidelium SSATB
Veni sancte Spiritus, et emitte coelitus SSATB
Venite, comedite panem meum (the second part of Ab ortu solis) SATB
Venite exultemus Domino (Psalm 94) SSATBB
Victimae paschali SSATB
Vide Domine afflictionem SATBarB
Vide Domine quoniam tribulor (doubtful work) SMezATB
Viderunt omnes fines terrae (Communion) SATB
Viderunt omnes fines terrae (Gradual) SATB
Vidimus stellam ejus in Oriente SATB
Vigilate SATBarB
Viri Galilaei, quid admiramini? SAATB
Virgo Dei genitrix SATTB
Visita quaesumus Domine SSAT
Vultum tuum deprecabuntur SATTB
Vocal - English/Sacred:
Arise Lord into thy rest SSATB
Arise O Lord, why sleepest thou SAATB
Awake mine eyes SSAT (or AATB)
Behold how good (II) (fragment only)
Behold, O God, the sad and heavy case SAATB
Behold O God, with thy all prosp'ring eye text only
Be unto me, O Lord SSTB
Blame I confess Voice and Viols
Blessed is he that fears the Lord Voice and Viols
Blow up the trumpet SSSAT (or AAATB)
Care for thy soul Voice and Viols
Cast off all Doubtful Care SSAT
Cease cares (fragment only) Song
Christ is risen again SSATTB
Come help, O God SSATB
Come let us rejoice unto our Lord SSAT (or AATB)
Come ye with Psalmody (Psallite Domino) SSATB
Crowned with flowers SST (or A) T (or A) B
Crowned with flow'rs and lilies Voice and Viols
Earthly Tree, an Heavenly Fruit, An SS
Exalt thyself, O God SSAATB
First Preces and Psalms SAATB
Save me, O God (from First Preces and Psalms) SSAATB
Preces (from First Preces and Psalms) SAATB
O Clap your hands (from First Preces and Psalms) SAATB
Five-part Litany SAATB
Great Service, The (Various Voices)
Benedictus SSAAAATBB
Nunc Dimittis SSAAAATTB
Have mercy on us, Lord (Psalm 67) Voice and Viols
Have mercy upon me, O God SA solo and SSATTB
Have mercy upon me, O God S solo SATTB Viols
Hear my prayer, O Lord SAATB
Help us O God (the second part of Arise O Lord, why sleepest thou) SAATTB
He that all earthly pleasure scorns Voice and Viols
How long shall mine enemies? SAATB
If that a sinner's sighs Voice and Viols
I joy not in no earthly bliss Voice and Viols
I laid me down to rest SSATB
I laid me down to rest and slept SSTTB
Let not the sluggish sleep SSA (or T) B
Let others praise what seems them best (1589) SSATTB
Let us be glad text only
Look and bow down (fragment only)
Look down, O Lord SSA or TB
Look down, O Lord, on me poor man SSTB
Lord God Almighty (Siderum rector) SSATB
Lord in thy wrath Voice and Viols
Lord, to thee I make my moan (Psalm 130) Voice and Viols
Make ye joy to God SSATB
Of flattering speech SST
O God, but God Voices and Viols
O God that guides the cheerful sun SS solo AT (or A) B (or T) B Viols 3Tr
O God, the proud are risen SSAATB
O God, whom our offences SAATB
O happy thrice (fragment only)
O Lord, bow down Voice and Viols
O Lord, how vain Voice and Viols
O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth SAATTB
O Lord, rebuke me not SATTB
O Lord, who in thy sacred tent? Voice and Viols
O Lord, within thy tabernacle (Psalm 15) Voice and Viols
O praise our Lord SSATB
O that we woeful wretches Voice and Viols
Out of the deep (Six voices) SSAATB
Out of the deep (Five voices) SSATB
O you that hear this voice Voice and Viols
Praise the Lord all ye Gentiles SSATTB
Praise the Lord among His Holy Ones (Laudibus in Sanctus) SSATB
Preces and Responses SAATB
Prevent us, O Lord SAATB
Prostrate, O Lord, I lie Voice and Viols
Rejoice unto the Lord (1586) Voice and Viols
Retire my soul, consider thine estate SSATB
Saint John Passion TB solo and ATB
Save me, O God SSATB
Second Preces and Psalms SAATB
When Israel came out of Egypt (from Second Preces and Psalms) SAATB
Preces (from Second Preces and Psalms) SAATB
Teach me, O Lord (from Second Preces and Psalms) SAATB
Hear my prayer, O God (from Second Preces and Psalms) SAATB
Second Service SAATB
Magnificat (from The Second Service) SAAAATB
Nunc Dimittis (from The Second Service) SAAATB
Service in F
Benedictus (from Service in F) (fragment only)
Te Deum (from The Service in F) SA
Short Service SATTB
Venite SATB
Benedictus SAATB
Magnificat SAATB
Nunc Dimittis SAATB
Sing Joyfully SSAATB
Sing you to our Lord a new song SST (or A)
Sing we merrily unto God our strength SSSAT (or AAATB)
Sith Death at length Voice and Viols
Sith that the tree Voice and Viols
Souls of the Righteous (Justorum Animae) SSATB
The eagle's force SST
The Lord is my only support (Psalm 23) Voice and Viols
The man is blest (Psalm 112) Voice and Viols
Third Service SAATB
Magnificat (from The Third Service) SAATB
Nunc Dimittis (from The Third Service) SAATB
This day Christ was born SSAATB
Thou God that guid'st SAATB
Turn our captivity, O Lord SSAATB
What is life, or worldly pleasure? SSAT (or AATB)
Vocal - English/Secular:
A feigned friend SSAT (or AATB)
Ah, golden hairs Voice and Viols
Ah silly soul S solo Viols Tr 2T B
Ah, youthful years (fragment only)
Alack, when I look back SAATB
An aged dame Voice and Viols
As Caesar wept Voice and Viols
Come jolly swains SSAT (or AATB)
Come, pretty babe Voice and Viols
Come to me, grief, for ever (Elegy for Sir Philip Sydney) Voice and Viols
Come woeful Orpheus SSATB
Constant Penelope Voice and Viols
Content is rich Voice and Viols
Cradle Song SATB
Cradle Song F major (e' - eb'')
Delight is dead Voice and Viols
Depart ye furies (fragment only) Song
E'en as in seas Voice and Viols
Fair Britain isle (1612) Voice and Viols
Farewell false love Voice and Viols
How shall a young man? Voice and Viols
How vain the toils S solo Viols Tr
I have been young, but now am old SST (or A)
I thought that love had been a boy Voice and Viols
I will not say Voice and Viols
In angel's weed (1586) Voice and Viols
In crystal towers SST (or A)
In fields abroad Voice and Viols
In winter cold SST
La verginella Voice and Viols
Lullaby, my sweet little baby SSATB and Viols
Me thought of late (doubtful work) Voice and Viols
Mount, Hope, above the skies Voice and Viols
My freedom, ah (I thought that love) Voice and Viols
My mind to me a kingdom is Voice and Viols
My mistress had a little dog (after 1596) Voice and Viols
O sweet deceit SMezATB
O that most rare breast Voice and Viols
Out of the orient crystal skies Voice and Viols
See, mine own sweet jewel
See those sweet eyes Voice and Viols
Susanna fair Voice and Viols
The fair young virgin (1588) SATTB
This sweet and merry month of May (1590) SSATTB
This sweet and merry month of May SATB
Though Amaryllis dance in green SSATB
Though Amaryllis dance in green SAATB or S and 4 Viols
Though I be brown (1608) Voice and Viols
Thou poets' friend Voice and Viols
Triumph with pleasant melody voices Voices and Viols
Truce for a time Voices and Viols
Truth at the first Voice and Viols
Upon a summer's day SAB
Wedded to will is witless SST (or A) T (or A) B
What pleasure have great princes? SATBB
What steps of strife Voice and Viols
What vaileth it to rule? MezMezTTB
When first by force (I that sometime) Voice and Viols
Where Fancy fond Voice and Viols
Where the blind Voice and Viols
Whereat an ant SST
While Phoebus us'd to dwell (The noble famous Queen) Voice and Viols
Who likes to love Voice and Viols
Who looks may leap SST
Why do I use my paper, ink and pen? Voice and Viols
With lilies white (1608) Voice and Viols
Wounded I am SATB
Wretched Albinus (1601) Voice and Viols
Ye sacred Muses (1585) (Lament to Thomas Tallis) Voice and Viols
All in a garden green
Alman (in C)
Alman (G final, major)
Alman (G final, minor)
Callino Casturame
Care for thy soul
Clarifica me, Pater (I)
Clarifica me, Pater (II)
Clarifica me, Pater (III)
Echo Galliard (? Byrd)
Echo Pavan (? Byrd)
Fantasia (A final, minor)
Fantasia (C final)
Fantasia (C final)
Fantasia (C final)
Fantasia (D final, minor)
Fantasia (in G)
Fantasia (G final, major)
Fantasia (G final, major)
Galliard (A final)
Galliard (A final)
Galliard (A final)
Galliard (B flat final)
Galliard (C major)
Galliard (C final)
Galliard (C final)
Galliard (C final)
Galliard (C final)
Galliard (C final)
Galliard (D final, minor)
Galliard (D final, minor)
Galliard (D final, minor) (Harding, set by Byrd)
Galliard (F final, major)
Galliard (F final, major)
Galliard (G final, major)
Galliard (G final, major)
Galliard (G final, major)
Galliard (G final, major)
Galliard (G final, minor)
Galliard (G final, minor)
Galliard (G final, minor) (Johnson, set by Byrd)
Galliard: Mistress Mary Brownlow
Gloria Tibi Trinitas
Go from my window
Ground (C final) (No.42 in volume)
Ground (C final) (No.43 in volume)
Ground (G final, major)
Ground (G final, minor)
Gypsies' Round
Hugh Ashton's Ground (Tregian's Ground)
If that a sinner's sighs
In fields abrode
In Nomine (set by Anon.)
In Nomine (Parsons, set by Byrd)
John come kiss me now
Lacrymae Pavan (Dowland, set by Byrd)
Lady Mounteagle's Pavan
Lavolta: Lady Morley
Lord Willoughby's welcome home (or Rowland)
Lullaby, my sweet little baby
Miserere (I)
Miserere (II)
Miserere mei Deus
Monsieur's Almain (C final)
Monsieur's Almain (G final, major) (I)
Monsieur's Almain (G final, major) (II)
My Lady Nevill's Ground
My mind to me a kingdom is
O God, but God
O mistress mine
O quam gloriosum est regnum
Passamezzo Galliard
Passamezzo Pavan
Pavan (A final, minor)
Pavan (A final, minor)
Pavan (A final, minor)
Pavan (B flat, final, major)
Pavan (C major)
Pavan (C final)
Pavan (C final)
Pavan (C final)
Pavan (C final)
Pavan (D final, minor)
Pavan (G final, major)
Pavan (G final, major)
Pavan (G final, major)
Pavan (G final, major)
Pavan (G final, minor)
Pavan: Bray
Pavan: Canon
Pavan: Delight (Johnson set by Byrd)
Pavan: Kinborough good
Pavan: Ph. Tregian
Pavan: Sir William Petre
Pavan: The Earl of Salisbury
Prelude (A final, minor)
Prelude (C final)
Prelude (F major)
Prelude (G major)
Prelude (G final, minor)
Quadran Galliard
Quadran Pavan
Qui Passe: for my Lady Nevell
Rowland (or Lord Willoughby's) Welcome Home
Salvator Mundi (I)
Salvator Mundi (II)
Second Galliard
Sellinger's round
Susanna fair
The Barley-Break
The Battle
The Bells
The Carman's Whistle
The Earl of Oxford's March
The First French Coranto
The Galliard for the Victory
The Galliard Jig
The Ghost
The Hunt's Up (I)
The Hunt's Up: version 1
The Hunt's Up: version 2
The March before the Battle
The Maiden's Song
The Queen's Alman
The Second French Coranto
The Third French Coranto
The Woods so Wild
Tregian's Ground
Ut mi re
Ut re mi fa sol la (F final, major)
Ut re mi fa sol la (G final, major)
Voluntary: from my Lady Nevell
Wilson's Wild (Wolsey's Wild)
Browning a 5
Christe qui lux a 4 (I)
Christe qui lux a 4 (II)
Christe qui lux a 4 (III)
Christe redemptor a 4
Fantasia a 3 (I)
Fantasia a 3 (II)
Fantasia a 3 (III)
Fantasia a 4 Viols Tr 2 TB
Fantasia a 4 (I)
Fantasia a 4 (II)
Fantasia a 4 (III) (single part)
Fantasia a 4 (IV)
Fantasia a 4 (V)
Fantasia a 5
Fantasia a 6 Viols 2 Tr 2 TB 1
Fantasia a 6 (I)
Fantasia a 6 (II)
Fantasia a 6 (III)
Galliard a 6
How vain the toils Lute
In Nomine a 4 (I) (by Parsons?)
In Nomine a 4 (II)
In Nomine a 5 (I)
In Nomine a 5 (II)
In Nomine a 5 (III)
In Nomine a 5 (IV)
In Nomine a 5 (V)
Miserere a 4
Pavana Harp
Pavan a 5
Pavan a 6
Prelude (and Ground) a 5
Salvator Mundi a 4
Sermone blondo a 3
Sermone blondo a 4 (I)
Sermone blondo a 4 (II)
Te Lucis a 4 (I)
Te Lucis a 4 (II)
- Stainer & Bell, William Byrd: Complete list of works (http://www.stainer.co.uk/byrdfull.html)