Disgusting filthy
traitor to the
Chinese nationalist cause who betrayed
China for personal gain. Respected in
Taiwan, reviled everywhere else, this man sold out on the
Chinese people to preserve his
dictatorship of the nation. He would have sold the country to
Japan if they let him satisfy his perverted desire for
power. His ties to the
criminal underground showed his ineptitude as a
head of state, his campaign of
terror on the
Chinese population included all forms of
terrorism and
intimidation, including
mass murder of innocent families. The fact that he is respected in
Taiwan is a reason I don't like that place. He lived for
power-lust, and he should have been slowly tortured to
death. And he would have been too, if the
US did not interfere and set up a
puppet government in
Taiwan, where he continued his deluded perversions of
power on the native
Taiwanese until his death in 1975.
Chiang was born into a moderately prosperous merchant family in the coastal province of Chekiang. He prepared for a military career first at the Paoting Military Academy in North China and subsequently in Japan. From 1909 to 1911 he served in the Japanese army, whose Spartan ideals he admired and adopted. In 1911, upon hearing of revolutionary outbreaks in China, Chiang returned home and helped in the sporadic fighting that led to the overthrow of the Manchus.
He became commandant of a military academy, established on the Soviet model, at Whampoa near Canton. Soviet advisers poured into Canton, and at this time the Chinese Communists were admitted into the Nationalist Party. The Chinese Communists quickly gained strength, especially after Sun's death in 1925, and tensions developed between them and the more conservative elements among the Nationalists. By alternate shows of force and of leniency, he attempted to stem the Communists' growing influence without losing Soviet support. Moscow supported him until 1927, when, in a bloody coup of his own, he finally broke with the Communists, expelling them from the Nationalist Party and suppressing the labor unions they had organized.
With the help of the Chinese Triad mafia groups, he waged both a military and underground war against the communists. His extremely corrupt government was paralyzed by ineffectiveness, and in his mad obsession to drive the Communists out he barely even noticed the war against Japan. When he did, he threw wave and wave of green troops against the Japanese war machine while saving his best troops against the communists. He left the fight against the Japanese invaders to the communists, and occasionally attacked the communists as well. When the war ended, he immediately resumed the civil war, unfortunately for him, his tyranny did not sit well with most of the Chinese people, who flocked to the communist cause.
In 1949 he was kicked out of China, and with the Americans covering him he set up a new dictatorship in Taiwan. Practicing his old habits of slaughtering innocents on the local natives, he continued his tyranny there until his death in 1975 while constantly begging the US to invade China. He did not live to see the expulsion of Taiwan from the UN.
It kind of sucks that China had to suffer through 500 years of constant misrule. Observe:
Qing Dynasty ---> Chiang Kai-shek ---> Mao Zedong