user since
Sat Sep 11 1999 at 03:44:27 (25.1 years ago )
last seen
Thu Mar 1 2001 at 16:33:49 (23.6 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 4
most recent writeup
desmodromic (idea)
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I'm a software engineer of 5 years industrial experience. I've got a BSc (Hons) degree in Software Engineering, gained from Coventry University (UK). I write Windows NT code by day, but I also provide consultancy on Linux to small businesses. I have se.t up 3 Linux servers for use as a centralised server, using Windows clients - all my clients need Windows capabilities.
My hobbies include motorbikes (I own a Ducati Monster dark M600), cars (I used to own a Toyota MR2 before I bought the bike). I follow Formula 1 fairly closely - I've missed 4 races in 5 years. I also like playing games, both on PC and Playstation. My current favourites are Quake III (PC) and Ridge Racer IV (PSX)..