from the spoken word album
I blow minds for a living by
Jello Biafra.
So here's a piece I wrote against the war, and it's not out of date, I don't apologize for it. For all these people in the San Francisco Examiner and on TV who ridiculed the people protesting the war "Ho ho, you were wrong!": No. Killing a hundred thousand Iraqis for profit is much worse than being wrong. As Richard Nixon used to say during the Viet Nam war, 'Now more than ever'.
You like you are just the ripe age to be drafted. Does that even bother you? Still thinkin about that? There was a sign at Jonestown behind Jim Jones' dead body and it said "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Which would you rather sacrifice your hot car or your life?
Die for oil, sucker.
Born on the firecracker Fourth of July raised on football and mtv, never felt what its like to have to fight to stay free. Vietnam just a Time-Life book memory. The mask is off again this time nobody cares but you can't keep dancing if your legs are blown away.
Die for oil, sucker.
You too can get you face shot off so arms race tycoons won't have to get a real job. The cold war is over, it was all a mirage. We could use that money we got problems to solve, but we're not allowed a chance at the peace dividend because our psycho president has got his head in the sand. Saddam Hussein so egocentric, he even replaced Mickey Mouse on watches with his own face. Last spring he was our tyrant we thought we could use. We sold him his guns and his nerve gas too. When he told our ambassador he was fixin to invade, April Glaspy told him "No problem, Uncle Scam wouldn't care". What kind of a Bush-league double cross is this? Cheap oil? The price has already gone up. This still might end up making Hiroshima look like a picnic. Keep in mind James Baker is a Born Again Christian. Does he believe in Armageddon and the Last Generation?
Die for oil, sucker. Sucker. Sucker.
You too can get your spinal cord snapped to save greedy kings from the greed of Iraq. Give your life for a country where women can't vote and people still get their hands and heads chopped off. In Saudi Arabia they'll stone you to death for sleeping with another person's husband or wife. Women can't go out alone, or show their face or even drive. And there's never elections, you can't even ask why. But they finally did outlaw slavery. In 1962. So progress is being made. And they're sitting on something we can learn to live without but certain fat cat's bank accounts cannot, oil.
For this you get to be "all you can be", a dead army, navy, air force, marines. Come home one of those deranged unemployed vets, the kind they love to make tv cop shows about. Just like Tom Cruise in a wheelchair. No film royalties cause nobody cares about you once you've been used to die for oil, sucker.
Kill, kill, kill the poor even faster than crack, send them off to war make sure they don't come back. Give them tanks that fall apart and helicopters that crash. 2000 died in Panama cause the Stealth can't shoot straight. 800 million dollar batman plane and it doesn't even work. No surprise when their idea of national security is screwdrivers costing 1800 bucks.
Somehow we think we're gonna waltz right in to colonize their hearts and minds, but the Arab people are now so damn mad we'll be lucky to get out of there alive. You think any of them want their kings to sell us oil? Think of the cost to keep our army there. When the only way left to bleed oil out of the ground is soldiers's guns treating Arabs like slaves. Or was that all part of the plan? Gotta put 400,000 NATO troops somewhere. They found a scam to extend the cold war. It's called die for oil, sucker. Sucker. Sucker.
'Cause America the Beautiful is going to hell. We no longer make cars or TVs very well. Our economy's rigged on selling guns and making war, what happens when no one wants our products anymore? America the Powerful has hit a decline! Our cities and our people are falling apart. Malnutrition and infant mortality rates to rival damn near any third world slave state you name! Got one thing left to sell: that's the World Police. A mercenary state to ensure there's no peace. We love doing your dirty work, but ya'll gotta pay mob style protection money to the U S of A. Rich thugs with no vision trying to save their empire. New World Order mafia with them still in charge. Reducing America to a banana republic.
Die for oil, sucker.
What's so sick about this is that theres is a better way. Stop selling guns to Arabs and to Israel. Don't need to keep ourselves hostage to oil, use our star wars know how to build solar powered cars. Don't need an army, either. One clerk in the patent office might be all it would take to find blueprints for a solar car General Motors shelved away. But no thats to easy and theres money to be made, especially if you already have more than you ever need. For those of us who can't buy our way out like rich folks like Dan Quayle do: it's burn you draft card, burn the flag, and burn the pentagon too.
That's why we've got the world's first tabloid war. No bodies no funerals no wounded no gore. Superbowl every day, where we always win! So much yellow ribbon we are hanging ourselves. That's what's so different from ugly Viet Nam. The media that brought that war home has been bought out. General Electric controls NBC news. They want to sell weapons, they distort what we view. Can those "rah rah, we love war" polls be believed when so many of us everywhere are out in the streets? Pentagon-parrot papers won't admit we exist, what that says to me is their owners are scared. That we WILL get as strong they have in Berlin, and tear down their walls and their New Order scams. Yellow-ribbon McCarthyism can't hold us too long. We support our troops most, 'cause we say BRING THEM HOME!
So be all you can be and say no the air force, army, marines. Get off your butt before your butt's blown off. Don't die for oil, don't be a sucker.