This dog depends on you but it is not the way you depend on things.
It is not the way you depend on a paycheck. It is not the way you depend on a good book. It is not the way you depend on walls, and when you do not have walls it is not the way you depend on kindness. It is not the way you depended on snow when you were eight.
This dog loves you but it is not the way you love things.
It is not the way you love a good, cheap bourbon. It is not the way you love the campfire, not the irreplaceable look of a woman. It is not the love of your grandmother’s hands. It is not the way the morning feels before you put on your shoes.
This dog tries for you but it is not the way you try.
Outside, as the rain comes down, as nations prepare for war, as the liars walk this earth, as we gamble and lose.
Meanwhile, there is no effort here.
There is no truth to search for.
There is no thinking to be done.
There is no requirement.
It presents itself to you as joy.
Again and again.