Abbreviation for the
European Leisure
Software Publishers
Association. ELSPA regulates
United Kingdom's
computer game industry’s voluntary age rating code of practice together with The Video Standards Council (
VSC). It's members include almost all the major
UK publishers and distributors of
leisure software.
The symbol's visibile on most game packages were first introduced in
1994. The symbols indicate the suitability for certain age groups of a product’s content in terms of depictions of
sex, criminal activity or language. The ratings doesn't relate to the degree of difficulty to play the game.
Since the voluntary system started in 1994, 3932 products have been rated. Of all 3932 games rated during the period 1994 to September 1999, the vast majority - 2621 (or 66%) - were rated as suitable for ages three upwards. The ELSPA voluntary age rating symbols apply not only to computer and video games but also to reference, edutainment, utilities (e.g. screen savers) and other interactive leisure software.