English As She Is Spoke
Introduction to "The New Guide of the Conversation in Portuguese and English" | Useful Words, Part I | Useful Words, Part II | Familiar Phrases | Familiar Dialogues, Part I | Familiar Dialogues, Part II | Familiar Dialogues, Part III | Familiar Letters | Familiar Anecdotes | Idiotisms and Proverbs

Of the Man.

The brain                       The inferior lip
The brains                      The superior lip
The fat of the leg              The marrow
The ham                         The reins

Defects of the body.

A blind                         A left handed
A lame                          An ugly
A bald                          A squint-eyed
                A deaf

Degrees of kindred.

The gossip                      The quater-grandfather
The gossip mistress             The quater-grandmother
The nurse                       A guardian
A relation                      An guardian
An relation                     A widower
                An widow


Starch-maker                    Porter
Barber                          Chinaman
Coffeeman                       Founder
Porkshop-keeper                 Grave-digger
Cartwright                      Tradesman
Tinker, a brasier               Stockingmender
Nailer                          Lochsmith

Objects of man.

The boots                       The clogs
The buckles                     The wig
The buttons-holes               The morning-gown, night-gown
The buskins                     The lining

Woman objects.

The busk                        The paint or disguise
The sash                        The spindle
The cornet                      The patches
The pumps                       The skate


Coochmann                       Spendth
Running footman                 Business-man


The apoplexy                    The megrime
The scrofulas                   The whitlow
The melancholy                  The rheumatisme
                The vomitory.

Parties a Town.

The butchery                    The low eating house
The cause-way                   The obelis-ks
The sink                        The prison, geol

Kitchen utensils.

The skimming-dish               The spark
The potlid                      The fire
The pothanger                   The smoke
The spunge                      The clout
                The jack.

Of the bed.

The bed wood                    The feet's bed
The bed battom                  The pillar's bed
                The head's bed

For the table.

Some knifes                     Some groceries
                Some crumb.


Some black pudding              A little mine
Some suger-plum                 Hog fat
Some wigs                       Some marchpanes
A chitterling sausages          An amelet
A dainty-dishes                 A slice, steak
A mutton shoulder               Vegetables boiled to a pap


Some wing                       Some pinions
Some cinnamon                   Some hog'slard
Some oranges                    Some verjuice


Some orgeat                     Some paltry wine
                Some sirup or sirop


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