Harusame (Glass Noodles) are a lot of fun and very easy to use. They are very common in Thai dishes but are found in most Asian cuisines. This is a simple
Japanese recipe that should serve two people.
What You Will Need
1 package of glass noodles
1 handful of mixed baby greens (teeny tiny fresh leaves)
1 sheet of nori seaweed
1 block of silken tofu and/or
4 large tiger shrimp, cooked and shelled byt tail on
some shoyu (soy sauce)
some wasabi
some gomasio (sesame salt)
a few drops of sesame oil
What To Do Now
Soak the dried noodles in warm water for at least five minutes or put them in boiling water for less than one minute.
While the noodles are soaking, wave the piece of nori over a lit burner to toast it lightly.
Arrange the mixed baby greens in two bowls. (Glass bowls would be nice.)
Pick up the noodles by inserting a hashi (chopstick) through the mass and letting them fall over it. Lift them and then carefully lower them into the centre of the greens.
Carefully slice the tofu into cubes and arrange around the piled noodles on the greens.
If you are using shrimp place two of them together in each bowl, perhaps to the upper left side.
Drizzle shoyu liberally onto the greens, noodles, and tofu. Drizzle a few drops of sesame oil. Break the nori into smallish pieces and let them fall over the noodles. Garnish with gomasio.