If you've registered a domain name at an ICANN-accredited registrar and would like to choose a new registrar (because you like GANDI's policies better than Network Solutions', for example), here's how it works. Keep in mind that if you just registered a domain, you may have to wait 60 days before transferring it.
  1. Pick a new registrar. The latest list is always at http://www.icann.org/registrars/accredited-list.html, and more information is available at DomainNameBuyersGuide.com.
  2. Inform the new registrar that you want to transfer your domain to them. You will probably have to pay them ahead of time for the first year or two of service; that's SOP.
  3. The registrar will confirm that you have the authority to make this change by talking to the contacts currently listed on your domain.
  4. The new registrar will submit a request to the old registrar requesting that they transfer the name.
  5. Finally, if the old registrar does not balk because your domain is on hold or payment is overdue, your domain name is transferred to the new registrar.

Congratulations! You now have a new registrar for your domain name.

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