Note that there was no official
canon of the Bible in the Western church until the 1500s, when the
Council of Trent set down the list of books in the
Bible. In addition to the
Catholic and
Protestant canons there are a couple of "Bibles" from the Eastern (meaning Middle Eastern/Greek/Egyptian) traditions that contain books not accepted as Biblical in the West. However, all of the canons contain the same
New Testament; the differences lie only in which
Jewish writings are accepted as scripture.
The New Testament canon was not completely settled until the fourth century, but it was mostly settled long before that time. As early as 130 AD a guy by the name of Marcion started a controversy because he only accepted Luke and the Pauline epistles as scriptural--his movement attracted many followers and so churches began to set down a canon. Every canon included four gospels, the Pauline epistles, and Acts; most included James, Jude, 1 Peter, and the 3 epistles of John as well. A few works were disputed into the 3rd and 4th centuries. These included:
There are two points that need to be made:
First, even though the Biblical canon was developed over hundreds of years, its basic form is recognizable by 150 AD. The following 200 years of development and refining deal with more peripheral books.
Second, the early church did a pretty good job of historical criticism when it set the canon. Nothing in the modern canon was written after 130 AD, and most of the works are significantly older. There were a lot of books that claimed to be old, but the early church was able to distinguish those from true accounts of the 1st 100 years after Jesus.