(General Topology:)
The interior of a set A in a topological space T is the "largest" open subset of A. Note that unions of open sets are themselves open, so this is precisely the union of all the open subsets of A.

Contrast (topological) closure.

In*te"ri*or (?), a. [L., compar. fr. inter between: cf. F. int'erieur. See Inter-, and cf. Intimate.]


Being within any limits, inclosure, or substance; inside; internal; inner; -- opposed to exterior, or superficial; as, the interior apartments of a house; the interior surface of a hollow ball.


Remote from the limits, frontier, or shore; inland; as, the interior parts of a region or country.

Interior angle Geom., an angle formed between two sides, within any rectilinear figure, as a polygon, or between two parallel lines by these lines and another intersecting them; -- called also internal angle. -- Interior planets Astron., those planets within the orbit of the earth. -- Interior screw, a screw cut on an interior surface, as in a nut; a female screw.

Syn. -- Internal; inside; inner; inland; inward.


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In*te"ri*or, n.


That which is within; the internal or inner part of a thing; the inside.


The inland part of a country, state, or kingdom.

Department of the Interior, that department of the government of the United States which has charge of pensions, patents, public lands and surveys, the Indians, education, etc.; that department of the government of a country which is specially charged with the internal affairs of that country; the home department. -- Secretary of the Interior, the cabinet officer who, in the United States, is at the head of the Department of the Interior.


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