A list of Japanese words/phrases that are commonly heard in
subtitled anime, and that are sometimes used in anime
fanfiction. This list does not include Japanese honorifics or
Japanese numbers and counting.
NOTE: The Japanese words in this list are spelled using the
Hepburn Romanji system for rendering Japanese words using the
Roman alphabet; they aren't pronounced quite the same way as
they would be if they were straight English.
- Ai/Koi: Love. Koi can also mean carp.
- Anata: You. However, this isn't used very much;
generally "You" is either implicit, or the person's name is used.
Used between spouses, means "honey", "dear", and so on. Also used
when you don't know, or can't know, the name of the person you're
addressing, like in an instruction manual.
- Kokoro: Heart.
- Miko: Priestess/shrine maiden.
- XYZ no Miko: Priestess of XYZ. For instance, Miaka
from Fushigi Yugi is "Suzaku no Miko" (priestess of Suzaku).
Anime fangirls frequently use this form in their pen name,
thus declaring herself to be the priestess of some anime
- Mina: Everyone.
- Sempai/Senpai: Upper classman.
- Sensei: Teacher. (See Japanese honorifics).
- Watashi: I/me/my.
- Atashi: Me (feminine); only used by girls/women.
- Boku: Me (male); mainly used by boys/men.
- Ore: Me (boastful); mainly used by boys/men.
- Yume: Dream.
- Oniisan/Oniichan/Oniisama: Big brother. Can also be
used to refer to a man/boy older than the speaker. The "o" can be
dropped, but this indicates familiarity and informality.
- Oneechan/Oneesan/Oneesama: Big sister. Same
older-person and "o" rules apply to this as to Oniisan.
- Ototo/Ototo-chan: Little brother.
- Imoto/Imoto-chan: Little sister
- Otosan/Otosama: Someone else's father.
- Chichi: Your father.
- Oyaji: Father/pop/old man.
- Okasan/Okasama: Someone else's mother.
- Haha: Your mother.
- Daisuki: Like or love, depending on the context.
Literally means "like a lot". (Sometimes the "u" is dropped, and
it's pronounced "daiski")
- Aishiteru/Koishiteru: I'm in love/I love you. Only
used in songs and poems.
- Zutto: Always/For a long time/a lot
- Dakara: Therefore/because/so.
Greeting, parting, thanks, apologies, and so on:
- Arigato: Thank you.
- Arigato gozaimasu: Thank you very much
- Gomen/Gomennasai: Sorry/I'm sorry/excuse me.
- Sumimasen: Sorry.
- Ohayo/Ohayou gozaimasu: Good morning.
- Konnichiwa: Hello/good afternoon.
- Oyasumi: Good night.
- Moshi moshi: "Excuse me" in the attention getting
sense. Used when answering the phone, or trying to get someone's
- Sayonara: Goodbye.
- Ja ne: Catch you later.
- Baka: Idiot/jerk. Most commonly associated with
Ranma Saotome.
- XYZ no Baka/Baka no XYZ!: XYZ you jerk/idiot!
Frequently said of Ranma by Akane Tendou.
- Ahou: Fool/simpleton/idiot/buffoon.
- Hentai/Ecchi: Pervert. "Ecchi" is the Japanese
pronunciation of the first letter of "Hentai", and is considered to
be a less strong term than "Hentai".
- Oyaji: Old man.
- Obasan: Old woman (literally "Grandmother").
Exclamations, sayings, and such:
- Ano: Um.
- Ara: Oh/Oh my. Frequently said by Kasumi Tendou.
- Arararara: Oh my my my my.
- Chotto!: Wait! Just a minute! (Full form: "Chotto
matte kudasai.)
- Daijobu?: Are you alright?
- Demo: But.
- eto: Um.
- Ganbatte!: Good luck! (Literally "Do your best")
- Hayaku!: Quick! Hurry up!
- Itadakimasu: Commonly said before eating.
- Ite/Itai!: Ow/ouch!.
- Itetetetete!: Ow ow ow ow!
- Itte irasshai: Have a safe trip. (Said when some is
- Maa, maa: Now now; calm down.
- Mou!: Jeez!
- Oi: Hey.
- Okaeri: Welcome home.
- So ka/So desu ka: Really? Is that so?
- Sugoi!: Amazing/incredible/awseome/wow!
- Suteki!: Amazing/incredible/awseome/wow! (Sometimes the
"u" is dropped, and it's pronounced "steki")
- Tadaima!: I'm home!
- Urusai!: Shut up!
- Wai!: Yeah!/Yahoo!/Whoopee!
- Yatta!: I/you/we did it!
- Yare yare: Well well.
- Hai: Yes.
- Ne: "Isn't that right!" Put at the end of a
Kawaii, ne! -> That sure is cute, isn't it!
- Ne: "Hey, ..." Put at the beginning of a sentence.
Ne, kawaii ka? -> Hey, do you think that's cute?