The Journal of Virtual Environments is a refereed electronic journal which publishes research that relates to Virtual Environments or makes use of Virtual Environments

What used to be know as the Journal of Mud Research, has changed names to help expand its coverage base. The magazine deals with all virtual enviroments and how they affect society and culture. There are various topics that are covered each month by journal; Theoretical Contributions, Empirical Research, comments, and an editor's note. The comments secion is a shorter section dedicated to "shorter pieces which propose new directions for research on Virtual Environments"1.

What type of pieces/research may one find in this journal. Here are some titles of pieces from current and previous issues: Comparison of Remote User Representation in a Collaborative Virtual Learning Environment and MUDS, Metaphysics, and Virtual Reality.

The Journal is published annually and the current issue is for January 2002. The editor of the Journal is David Jacobson and more information can be found at

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